Celebrity baby names:

Favourites Boys: Alexis Stewart (Martha Stewart's daughter) Welcomed son Truman Hilary Duff Welcomed son Luca Cruz

Girls: Randy Montana Welcomed daughter Sullivan Rae Beth Littleford Welcomed daughter Halcyon (Hal-SEE-en) Juna Andrea Bocelli Welcomed daughter Virgina

Disappointed by: Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck named Son Samuel (Sisters are Violet and Seraphina) John Brotherton named Daughter Saylor Callisto

Big in the world of Celebrity Baby News, Snooki announced this month that she is expecting. What do you think the Jersey Shore star will choose?

Names I've been liking this month: Feminine forms of male names and old Latin names: Adamina Augusta Thomasina Ambrosia Octavia Antonia Lavinia Aurelia Cornelia Regina Oriana

Worst Sibset I've heard this month: Someone on Formspring sent a question about how they had run into a family that had 4 children named: Arizona, Utah, Nevada and Callie (Short for California) Obviously these are all US State Names

mar 24 2012 ∞
apr 6 2012 +