
  • Alcor & Mizar- Mizar is located in the big dipper, it is the second star to the end of the handle. It comes from an Arabic name meaning 'waistband' Alcor is it's much less bright companion star, hence the meaning of it's name 'forgotten.' Alcor and Mizar are sometimes refered to as the Horse and Rider.
  • Aries- Aries is a Zodiac constellation. It's name is Latin for 'Ram' This could make an interesting astonomical/astrological name choice for April/May babies born under this sign
  • Crater- Crater is a constellation, in Latin it's name means cup. In Greek mythology it is the cup of Apollo
  • Cygnus- The 'swan' constellation. Named for the Latinized Greek word for Swan. In Greek Mythology Cygnus was an immortal who gave up his immortality to save the body of a friend from the depths of a river just so he could give him a proper buriel. He lived the rest of his life as a swan. Zeus was impressed by the unselfish acts of Cygnus and therefore cast his imagine into the sky as a constellation.
  • Dorado- Dorado is one of the 88 modern constellations. Dorado is the Spanish name for Dolphin Fish, although it is sometimes depicted as a swordfish.
  • Indus- Indus is a constellation that wasn't created until the 1500's. Indus means 'Indian'
  • Leo- One of the Zodiac Constellations. Leo is the Latin name for Lion. Could be a cool choice for an August baby.
  • Megrez- or Delta Ursae Majoris is a star in the constellation Ursa Major (The big dipper.) In Arabic it means 'the base'
  • Orion- This constellation comes from Greek mythology, where Orion was a Giant Hunter. This is a very easily spotted and recognizable constellation, especially because of the three bright stars that line up and form what is known as 'Orion's Belt'
  • Polaris- the brightest star in the little dipper (ursa minor) is also our current northern pole star. This means that it is very close to the North celestial pole, and is sometimes refered to as the 'North Star'


  • Alcyone- The brightest star in the group of stars known as the Pleiades. In Greek Mythology the Pleiades were seven sisters who were turned persued by the hunter Orion, to help them escape, Zeus turned them into stars. It is sometimes said that Orion still chases them across the sky.
  • Andromeda- A constellation named after Princess Andromeda from Greek legend. The mythological story tells that she was chained to a rock to be sacrificed to a sea monster. She was rescued by the hero Perseus, who she later married.
  • Bellatrix- Or Gamma Orionis, is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion. Bellatrix is the 27th brightest star in the sky. The name is Latin and means 'female warrior' The star is sometimes refered to as the 'Amazon Star'
  • Berenice- Coma Berenice is a constellation. It is named for Queen Berenice II of Egypt. According to legend Berenice's husband went away to Syria and she sacrificed her hair to the Goddess Aphrodite, to ensure that he be safely returned to her.
  • Cassiopia- This constellation is another that is easily recognized. It forms a W shape in the sky. In Greek mythology Cassiopeia almost brought about the death of her own daughter, Andromeda, when she boasted of the beauty of herself and her daughter and ended up offending the gods
  • Lyra-A small constellation that is meant to symbolize a Lyre, an ancient musical instrument.
  • Maia- Another of the Pleiades, Maia was another of the 7 daughters pursued by Orion. Maia is the 4th brightest star in the Pleiades cluster.
  • Mirzam- or Beta Canis Majoris is a star in the constellation Canis Major. The name is from Arabic and means 'the Herald'
  • Talitha- There are two stars by this name, Talitha Australis and Talitha Borealis are both stars in Ursa Major, the big dipper. Talitha is Arabic in origin and means 'The third leap'
  • Vega- The brightest star in the constelation Lyra and the 5th brightest star in the sky. The name comes from Arabic and means 'falling' or 'landing'
nov 18 2010 ∞
aug 5 2011 +