• her birthday is june 12, the same as anne frank, hideki matsui and adriana lima.
  • her middle name is aiko, just like the princess.
  • comes from two farming families but has a black thumb.
  • can speak english, japanese and basic conversational spanish.
  • hates to vacuum and take out the trash, but doesn't mind washing dishes and cleaning her bathroom with gloves on.
  • has been writing in the same livejournal since 2001-04-22 20:29:57.
  • can live with a messy room but not a dirty bathroom, kitchen or bed.
  • goes by the moniker amietron on the internet, and has for over 7 years.
  • loves shellfish but is allergic to it.
  • is a combination of yuppie and hippie.
  • doesn't like to brush her teeth with cold water.
  • talks too much and knows it, especially when drunk.
  • loves to play computer games even if she isn't the best.
  • loves oldies, motown, 80s and 90s, classical and christmas music.
  • sometimes talks during movies to her friends' dismay.
  • is good at spending money but not good at saving it.
  • likes songs with her name in them.
  • likes things that are handmade.
  • spends too much money on skincare products and makeup.
  • wants to be an athlete but wasn't born with the proper genetic makeup.
  • likes orange gatorade best.
  • always has long nails for fear of having man hands.
  • has a birthmark on her right hand, which some people mistake for a bruise.
  • loves cooking and baking.
  • is a glutton and loves food more than any person should.
  • is a hopeless romantic and likes to believe in fairy tale endings.
  • is the same online and offline.
  • used to compulsively iron paper money so it was perfectly straight.
  • loves to collect lucy things (from peanuts)
  • starts to feel sick when eating too much heavy or greasy foods, but eats them anyway.
  • doesn't care for durian; the smell or taste!
  • loves to buy cheap shoes but never wears them (no arch support).
  • has sensitive eyes and always wears glasses with transitions lenses or contacts with sunglasses.
  • worries too much about the little things.
  • is probably the one who needs to smoke pot (to relax) the most, but doesn't touch the stuff.
  • takes issue with being hairy but hates shaving.
  • has hypochondriac tendencies but isn't a clinical hypochondriac according to the dsm-iv.
  • is an independent/ decline to state voter: fiscally conservative and socially moderate.
  • once buried her pet hamster mochi in her best friend's front yard with help from best friend, best friend's step-mom and younger sister.
  • always wears the same earrings: small gold hoops from dad.
  • is always mistaken for korean or chinese, but not japanese even though she looks really japanese.
  • has only ever had chinese boyfriends and none of them have worked out.
  • calls her most cherished friends "best friends" even if it is childish and elementary.
  • doesn't like flavored dental floss; her favorite is glide comfort plus unflavored.
  • when cramming, gets the best studying done between 3 am and 6 am.
  • is a procrastinator but takes no pride in it.
  • self-edits while writing papers, which makes the writing process 10 times longer and harder.
  • is hyper sensitive to the sun and gets red itchy splotches if not protected by spf.
  • likes the idea of one day having a farm complete with a vegetable garden, flowers, chickens and a pig.
  • wants more than anything to make her parents proud.
nov 18 2007 ∞
jul 10 2010 +