• people who chew with their mouths open
  • people who eat with their elbows on the table
  • double dipping in jars
  • when my brother doesn't squeegee the doors in the shower - it makes the doors streaky
  • sick people in class or in the public
  • white socks with black pants and shoes
  • HSV-1
  • people who take advantage of others: all take, no give
  • parents who have no control over their children
  • people who cough and don't cover their mouths at all (but it's best if you cover with a tissue, not your hand)
  • people who drive slowly in the fast lane and don't get over
  • drivers who are too absorbed in their cell phone conversations that they can't drive safely
  • my hairiness (I'm really hairy)
  • double dipping at parties - it's only OK when it's with your best friends or close family so long as nobody is sick or has HSV-1
jun 2 2008 ∞
jun 4 2008 +