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EXO fics
-i read way too much fics, so this is a list of everything that I consider to be /good/

-& sorry about the lack of different pairings >.<

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  • Underbelly ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

sekai | NC-17 || A part of Sehun has always belonged to the sea.

baeksoo | NC-17 |120k || there are so many ghosts on this island. maybe that's why do kyungsoo has come: so his personal ghosts can get lost among them.

baeksoo | pg | 8k || kyungsoo is a cool cat and baekhyun is a warm puppy and both of them can use all the love they can get.

kaibaek |pg | 6k | pinnochio!au || kai just wants to be a real boy.

baekchen | pg || i know you love me like the past, the now, the coming years.

kailu | nc-17 | 38k || Jongin is flush with more than success, Chanyeol and Jongdae are evil, Lu Han is possibly trying to help, and Kevin mostly wants to cover his eyes and pretend he hasn’t seen anything

kaisoo | R | 5k | non au || As Kyungsoo develops the power to read others, he loses himself slowly in thought.

sekai |NC-17 | 4k || The best sort of love grows from nothing.

sekai | R | 15k | no summary

sekai | R | 6k || "Hey you. Boyfriend?" Jongin makes a face. "Ew no. I’m his best friend."

kaisoo | R | 11k || This is not a romance, by definition. This is Kim Jongin, both too famous and too dense to write his own memoir. This is Kim Jongin, stumbling awkwardly back into love.

hunhan | R | 5k || Because there are times that Lu Han needs the assurance that he can still have this effect on Sehun. That he can still make explosions.

lukai | R | 5k || And then Jongin comes along with his gorgeous smile, beautiful brain and perfect everything that he thinks it's worth giving it a shot, even if, maybe, it is going too fast.

kaisoo |R |4.7k |abuse || They're not the perfect couple, and Kyungsoo knows it.

baekyeol | NC-17 | 5k | tentacles || picking up a hitchhiker turns out to be one of the best decisions baekhyun's ever made.

chenhun | PG |FLUFF || i take the floor, he takes his shots.

chenkai | PG | 11k | Fluff || jongin doesn’t want a relationship like in some movie, especially not if that movie is ‘romeo and juliet’. (But Jongdae makes Jongin want, for the first time in a long time, to have the opportunity to fall a little bit in love.)

baekchen | pg | 8k || Maybe the reason why he's never been interested in dating anyone is because of his best friend.

sekai | NC-17 | models!au || Jongin barges into Sehun's life and tries to make a permanent home in his heart.

chensoo |pg |Fluff || don't know what a mess that i make of my days, then there's you.

baekchen | pg | prison!au || How to make friends in prison

kaisoo |NC-17 | 18k | werewolves!au || kyungsoo had never questioned the story about the broken tree branch and a reckless unicyclist, but maybe he should have.

kaisoo |nc-17 | 10k | age gap, infidelity || Jongin and Kyungsoo sift through the bonds of marriage to find a love for themselves.

baekchen | pg | 60k || Jongdae wants to be inside Baekhyun’s heart, even if Baekhyun might only want to get into Jongdae’s pants.

kaibaek | pg | 12k || Baekhyun knows that friendship is all Jongin can give him. And so he spares himself the disappointment and heartache and never asks for anything more

baekchen | pg | 5.4k | Sports School!AU || Jongdae's never been a fan of running, but fortunately, Baekhyun doesn't put up much of a chase

baeksoo | R | 6.4k | roadtrip!au || Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are going through a rough patch and in an attempt to rekindle their love, they decide to go on a road trip just like the ones they used to in college.

sukai | R | 18k |royal!au || There is no one in the world Jongin is more devoted to than the prince who saved his life.

suho/sehun | R | 16k | agegap || sehun has always been hesitant to unpack.

subaek | pg | 27k | FLUFF || Baekhyun has never really liked Christmas. A secret admirer seems to want to change that.

baekxing | NC-17 | 40k |wolf!au || Baekhyun just wants to find his place in a pack that's falling apart.

baeksoo | pg | 7k || the aftermath of whirlwind romances depend on how strong they were. kyungsoo's annihilated one half of his being.

layhan | NC-17 | 7k | genderswitch || Lu Han’s always been pretty, but he’s never been this pretty. Neither has Yixing, for that matter.

kaisoo | R | BDSM || Trust is sexy and arousing.

Xiuhun | NC-17 | 11k | abo || Sehun getting pregnant was not part of Minseok's plan.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 21k| genderswitch || Baekhyun's simple life full of porn videos featuring her favorite star Kyungmi turns complicated when her roommate, Luhan, shows her Omegle. Sunny is just as far away as Kyugnmi, but is she really when they talk everyday and woah, Baekhyun develops feelings? She blames Luhan entirely.

lukai | PG || Kai is beyond tired and wishes everything would just end, but there’s this bundle of joy he comes across in Disneyland in the form of ‘Peter Pan’, who just won’t leave him alone until he smiles again.

Xiuho | NC-17 | 6k | royal arrange marrige || Joonmyun doesn't want to get married.

baek/baeksoo | NC-17 | 16k || "prepare for trouble," baekhyun said. "and make it double," baekhyun – the other baekhyun – added.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 9k || Baekhyun is a phone sex operator whose number Kyungsoo accidentally dials, again and again and again. Maybe not so accidentally, the next couple of times.

chankai | NC-17 | 9k |pornstar!au || Chanyeol wants nothing more than to work with the top actor in the company.

luchen | NC-17 | 83k || Luhan has never really been able to get along with cats. Until Joonmyun gets one and his life is turned into even more insanity that it already is.

baeksoo | PG | 6k || As far as Baekhyun knows, kissing his boss isn’t part of the job description.

kristaekai | M |10k || Let's start a band," she says. Anyway, everybody knows this; origin stories are overrated.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 15k || Baekhyun looks back and wonders just where everything went wrong. Or alternatively, Kyungsoo sings the words Baekhyun only dreams of speaking aloud.

jun 25 2015 ∞
apr 2 2016 +