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EXO fics
-i read way too much fics, so this is a list of everything that I consider to be /good/

-& sorry about the lack of different pairings >.<

listography NEW NEWS

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kaibaek | NC-17 | 4,065 | it's not jongin's fault he wants something baekhyun can't offer him.

sekai |NC-17 | 4k | The best sort of love grows from nothing.

sekai | NC-17 | 2k | infidelity | there's no promise of tomorrow.

baekchen | pg | 1.7k || loosely a brooklyn nine-nine au. please excuse any inaccuracies and suspend your disbelief at the existence of an all-asian-american police unit in brooklyn

kaibaek | R | 1k || baekhyun's a shapeshifter. jongin takes advantage of it less often than you'd think

hunhan | R | 1k || They can't call each other till 2AM.

kaibaek | pg | 3k || the way to a man's heart is through his stomach./baekhyun's not so into cakes, but he's really into the guy who helps sell the cakes.

sukai | 4k || joonmyun meets kim jongin when he is seven years old.

baekchen | NC-17 | 4k || Chen is the type to buy his lover anything and everything to make them stay with him. Baekhyun is Chen's latest lover and while he was originally only in it for the free stuff, he finds himself falling more and more for Chen.

kaisoo | NC-17 |2k | pwp || Lawyers are like broken pieces of glass.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 2k ||non au || Kyungsoo usually starts it, but Baekhyun always intends to finish it.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 3k | pwp || it's baekhyun's birthday

baeksoo | pg | 4k | All Baekhyun wants is to spend forever with Kyungsoo.

sekaitao | nc-17 | 2k | pwp || Sehun and Zitao never let Jongin sleep in.

krisootao | nc-17 | 2k | pwp || Not everyone always wants to be in control.

baeksoo | NC-17 | 1.5k | canon || Kyungsoo and Baekhyun have peculiar ways of coping with boredom.

baeksoo | pg | 2.6k | canon || Kyungsoo attempts to create the soundtrack of his life. Baekhyun sings each and every single song in the list.

jun 25 2015 ∞
jul 23 2015 +