• "i am a mosaic: each piece is a different version of myself i didn't have the strength to kill and in the light, you swear i'm a different person every time."
  • "metade de mim é pretensão pra ser; a outra metade é refluxo por não ser nada além de uma matéria frouxa de espaço e coragem."
  • i loved him so much. when he left, i felt like i died — but i keep waking up. i feel like i've died, but i can't stop from opening my eyes in the morning." my mom on the topic of broken hearts, 2017.
  • "quiero ser mi propia obra de arte. / o desastre, no importa. / pero mía."
  • "remind yourself that you don't always have to be strong, that you don't always have to be the fixer. remind yourself that you can be human, that you can ask for help; that you don't always have to be the one to save yourself."
  • "are you there? / are you soaked in dreams still? [...] did i say the light / was / touching everything?"
  • "i can write the saddest poem of all tonight. i loved her, and sometimes she loved me too."
  • "be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here." desiderata (desired things) by max ehrmann.
  • "i hate looking at myself and realising that i don't like what i see. i hate looking back at things i did and wondering why i was like that. every day there's something wrong. just one trivial thing that can make me unhappy for just a moment. it's like it's not even possible to have a day without one bad feeling."
  • "sometimes, i feel like ripping apart my skin, and searching for a reason for why i feel this empty. maybe my veins are tangled, or something is lodged in my ribcage. because it feels like something inside of me is missing or broken."
  • "later that night / i held an atlas in my lap / ran my fingers across the whole world / and whispered / where does it hurt? / it answered: everywhere."
  • "i destroy everything i love and when everything is broken beyond repair, i hurt myself trying to reassemble the scattered pieces back to the way they were."
  • "todos tenemos / nuestro intenso y privado / apocalipsis." [240]
  • "[...] não iria reencontrá-la. você tinha ido embora sem nunca olhar pra trás... mas tive a impressão de rever seu rosto anos depois nos últimos versos de uma poesia como quando você se virou e com a mão livre na frente da nuvem dos cabelos, me disse adeus para entrar na escuridão."
  • sou narcisista, passiva-agressiva, egocêntrica e incapaz de me conectar com as pessoas.
  • "[witches are] the embodiment of a world of female subjects that capitalism had to destroy: the heretic, the healer, the disobedient wife, the woman who dared to live alone, the obeah woman who poisoned the master's food.
  • "what laughs [...] for us to swin in impossible seas / under the moon."
  • "when i was a girl / and you were a girl / we were floral / and ungiveable. squash / blossom. bleeding / hearts in the sideyard. / vine, albino root. petals / open only in the moonlight." emily o'Neill, "wedding soup," from pelican.
  • "i lay and cried, and began to feel again, to admit i was human, vulnerable, sensitive."
  • "i tell you, it is a suffering, to have a sea — no care how blue — between your soul, and you."
  • "you are light: you will sleep through my springs till it's over. i am lighter: in front of strangers i sing." ihr seid leicht: ihr schlaft meinen frühling zu ende. ich bin leichter: ich singe vor fremden.
  • "woman can kill a lot of people easily. full breasts and soft thighs don’t mean she can't kill everyone to remain free or protect herself."
  • "i know your / hands are just as hungry / as your eyes, but / darling, i'm not yours / to devour. / i'm six kinds of crazy, but i'm not crazy for you."
  • people break and bleed. words cut. scars heal, but never fade. hearts shouldn't be used as a chopping board, and i'm sorry the wrong people have taken your best parts. but, i'm here again. i'm here. i'm here. i'm here.
  • "from the center of my life came a great fountain, deep blue shadows on azure seawater." louise glück.
  • "when i laughed, she added, "i'd die without you." i agreed, even though i knew i wasn't the type of person who would die from grief. i was the kind of person who would sit with grief on the couch until grief died."
  • "stand in the evening light / until you become transparent / or until you fall asleep."
  • "in the silence of consciousness i asked myself "why did i reject my life?" and i answer: die erde überwältigt mich. the earth defeats me."
  • "i was never a god... the pomegranates you gave me were soaked in the ichor none of us wanted to admit was there. i have swallowed plenty - it has been flowing in my veins so rapidly the blood was spat out, reborn. / when you stain / the canvas with gold / it forgets / the crimsom is still under."
  • "most species bare their teeth as a threat, as a display of aggression, of leadership. it's a reminder that these clenched jaws can and will open your yielding throat, and i want you to think of this next time i smile."
  • "why does tragedy exist? because you are full of rage. why are you full of rage? because you are full of grief."
  • ohio gentle wave on ocean of recall.
jul 7 2017 ∞
jul 7 2017 +