• quirky, random, fairly shy unless I'm with people I can identify as being as crazy as I am (or crazier).
  • fascinated by people, maybe because I'm convinced that studying them will eventually lead me to understand myself.
  • having said that, I tend to be most comfortable when alone.
  • obssessive about music. I know a lot of people say that about music. I find it to be very powerful, both listening and playing. I'd give anything to be able to write a decent tune or lyric.
  • for the most part, fairly cheerful when I'm with others. On my own, my moods are much more fluid.
  • neurotic, perhaps exaggeratedly so, but for comedic effect.
  • easily stressed. I worry a lot, which hasn't been helped by my taking Honours this year.
  • still young enough to be constantly trying to label myself. And still have no idea what the hell I am.
  • I do have a tendency to simplfy and categorise people when I first meet them. I may put people in boxes, but I'm more than willing to see them to climb back out.
sep 8 2008 ∞
sep 8 2008 +