• mobages: enstars | idolish 7 | Cocktail Prince | Love Live | Bandori
  • mangas: jojo | pandora hearts | the promised neverland | naoki urasawa | mangas in general I love mangas and comics in general
  • animes: hoozuki no reitetsu | jojo | osomatsu-san | mob100 | gegege no kitaro | animes in general i love anime
  • movies in general (I like a lot weird/alternative/extreme movies even tho I don't talk much about it on TL, and use my side acc @thanatomorphosi for that! If you are interested in this stuff, feel free to follow!
  • youkais and japanese lore, please always recommend me things on that, I love it lots!
  • musicals! I love musicals like Les Miserables, Heathers and Hamilton, so musical talk and random lyrics tweets can happen
  • I scream a lot about my ship kaomika (kaoru and mika from Enstars) with my friendos, it came from RP too and despite not having in game content it means a lot to me and I talk about it like it's a regular ship! Don't mind it it's all love
sep 17 2016 ∞
apr 29 2018 +