


exclusionist bullshit (this includes ace exclusion, transmed bullshit, and mockery) (I may just mute you instead if its not super malicious)


conservative nonsense

shipping drama, both sides (they're fictional please shut up)

you were being condescending over something I take personally (an 'okay, asshole' moment)

I find you annoying (more likely to mute)

I have forgotten about the mute function

one of my mutuals was spamming your stuff and I lost my patience (not personal. sorry)

in general blocking is something I use because it's the easiest way to keep my timeline as clean as I'd like. if you're not a complete bastard then its really not that deep

I do not normally softblock. unfollowing me is your business and your prerogative

jul 5 2019 ∞
jul 14 2019 +