Matthew Finch is my favorite.
- Matthew Donovan Finch
- 6'3"
- hates mushrooms
- hazel eyes
- loves The Expendables
- has a black dog named Buddy
- wants a German Shephard BADLY
- lots of arm freckles
- cute smile
- calls me a hipster when i use Tumblr
- fabulous movie partner
- living with him in the fall ♥
- left-handed
- can write Cyrillic in cursive
- poetic in short, inspired bursts
- bookish
- impulsive
- glasses
- perpetual receiver of my girlish epistolary endeavors
- has a motorcycle license
- has a motorcyle
- plays a Green (Elf) deck in Magic (I hate it so much)
- really wanted to see the anteater at the SA zoo
- does not like Texas coast
- impulsive
- long, lanky toes
- avid bike rider
- best handy man ever
- loves Steve McQueen
- loves Clint Eastwood
- introduced me to my first western (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)
- love of my life ♥
He tends to act like a monkey. :)