We had to do an "About Me" assignment at school today where they gave us a list of words and we had to write a statement about ourselves using each word. These were mine:

  • Hope - I hope there will be a cure for diabetes soon.
  • Laugh - Once I start to laugh, I feel like I can't stop.
  • Cook - I like it when my uncle teaches me to cook.
  • Hate - I absolutely hate it when people break their promises.
  • To be honest... - It's hard to be honest with my parents when it comes to my health problems.
  • Write - I write in a journal or blog every single day.
  • Act - Sometimes I act like I don't care about something, when really, it's the only thing on my mind.
  • Cry - I'm no longer afraid to cry in front of others.
  • Listen - I don't discriminate against any music. I listen to anything and everything
  • Photograph - I like to take photographs of everything and everyone around me. (I cheated on this one, I know.)
feb 26 2010 ∞
mar 30 2010 +