• Re-enroll at Miami - Hamilton.
  • Possibly meet with an adviser to schedule classes & talk about transfer process and when to do what over the next year.
  • Schedule/confirm classes for this upcoming semester.
    • Make sure all are part of transfer module.
  • Determine whether or not I'm taking out any loans & for how much.
    • Probably not.
  • Call MUH's office of registration. Be sure that I'm withdrawn from all classes for the upcoming semester & the university, completely.
    • Financial aid. Indicate that I won't be attending.
  • Look into Sinclair. Check out transfer module with UC & NKU.
    • What program?
    • Winter quarter? Have enough time before for myself.
  • Get information from schools I'm thinking about transferring to.
    • UC
    • NKU
apr 30 2011 ∞
jun 17 2011 +