
  • Go through makeup, hair products, lotions, etc. Throw out anything old, give away anything that hasn't been used in a while.
  • Perfume shelf - dust & reorganize.
  • Drawers - clean out, reorganize with straighteners, brushes, whatever else.
  • In front of mirror - wipe down surface, reorganize everything, put some into drawers.
  • Bookshelves - dust & reorganize. Find somewhere better to put DVDs.
  • Bath stuff. Go through shampoos, conditioners, shaving creams, whatever else. Throw away empty things. Clean up the bag and caddy that I keep them in.
  • Go through clothes, including what I have set aside. If it doesn't fit, I'm not keeping it. Donate whatever ends up in that category.
  • Go through all junk shelves, bags, boxes, drawers, etc. And - you guessed it - throw out whatever I don't need/haven't used/I have no idea how I got in the first place.
  • Clean & vacuum carpet. Use awesome freshener after. And room spray.
  • TV shelf - take everything off, dust it, and put it back. Organized.
  • Folders - go through. Throw out old papers that I have no purpose for.
  • School stuff - go through notebooks; if I don't need something, don't keep it. Get text books together and set aside until I take them back to resell them.
  • Clean sheets, blankets, pillowcases. Make bed.
  • Closet - go through shoes, get rid of/donate any that don't fit/I don't like or wear/have been chewed up. Also, go through the bin that has I don't even know what inside of it. Also, look into selling old homecoming/prom dresses.


  • Clean tub, sinks, toilet.
  • New shower curtain. (Decorated & clear)
  • Go through everything.
apr 24 2011 ∞
may 10 2011 +