• Go to MUH campus to the office of registration or call again. Explain that I've called several times about withdrawing from my classes for the upcoming semester & the university as a whole and it has yet to happen and I'm still registered for those classes & received my first eBill for them, despite the fact that I'm planning on attending another school in the fall. Find out what I have to do to make this actually happen.
  • Call or visit Courseview. Ask about new student orientation, meeting with an adviser, and what my next steps should be.
    • Make a separate list once I figure out what the steps should be & get on it ASAP!
  • Get my temps! Go to Lebanon (same day, hopefully) to take written test and start practicing RIGHT AWAY.
  • Make a list of possible references for exit interview.
  • Actually complete said exit interview. Make first payment on loan.
  • Look for best place to sell old textbooks back to & DO IT. Plan on the money going towards repaying the loan I took out for school.
jul 31 2011 ∞
aug 21 2011 +