• White-haired man with the straight face who orders a spicy italian with american cheese, toasted, with lettuce, tomato, onion, and light mayo.
    • Tells me that I work too much.
  • Bald man who orders turkey on flat bread, sometimes with bacon. No cheese. Various peppers, lots of spinach, and lots of vinegar.
    • Jokingly says he expects his sandwich to be made before he even gets through the door.
  • Mail carrier who I awkwardly see on my street some days who gets buffalo chicken on flat bread (unless he decides to switch it up that day), veggies piled on it.
  • Another (female) mail carrier with a nose piercing and the ridiculously sparkly nail polish that I adore. Don't think she has a regular sandwich.
  • Older couples who come in on the weekends and share sandwiches. There are several of them. They're all presh.
  • The boys who work next door.
    • Two are possibly brothers and both (typically) get oven roasted chicken, one with marinara sauce on it.
    • Another who gets teriyaki chicken and loves black olives.
apr 4 2011 ∞
may 10 2011 +