• technology - how it can improve medicine and health care. i feel that the future of medicine and health care is going to be technological integration and advancements. as people become more connected through social media, blogs, and the internet in general, the patient-doctor relationship is going to change where people are not only going to have access to all this information on the web, but are also going to feel more comfortable communicating electronically.
  • being able to help people when there's nothing that they can do. to go beyond expectations and be able to save someone's life or improve their quality of life beyond what they can do. learning a skill that can be used so beneficially.
  • everyone wants to make their impact on the world, but people go about it in so many different ways. Medicine and healthcare is what appeals to me, and it's what I want to do with my life.
  • something beyond just practicing medicine - technology / research / innovative treatments, techniques. some kind of significant contribution to the field of medicine and health care.
  • oncology - because cancer is a disease that affects so many people and it has such a significant effect on the lives of the patients battling the disease and the people close to them. so i think it's such a significant field where

i also feel like it's an interesting field especially with the molecular and physiological understanding of cancer becoming better understood.

  • surgery - it's such a tangible practice of medicine. you're doing something physical to treat the disease, and the results are almost immediate which is really exciting.
mar 31 2011 ∞
mar 31 2011 +