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hello, my beloved ones. i bid you hello at the tail end of 2022.
tomorrow, around 15 years since i started music, in the last month of my 20s, my first album gets to come out. a lot of complicated thoughts occupy my mind, but one thought i have constantly had is that all the pieces of my work including my previous releases were for me to put out this one album.
first of all, thank you so much. with the trust that so many have become aware of my trivial but sincere, true intentions, i was able to even more bravely and truthfully blend the music and languages that are close to the shape of my heart as of now. i was so lucky.
to be honest, its not that i had in mind a certain song to be the title track. all the songs are of equal importance to me, truly.in this era of streaming, i feel nervous and a little uneasy to have a 4:33-long, mostly korean song as the title track. but none of the songs was intended to cause any hyper or noise! (i mean it.) just like my ID archive, i think itd be enough for me if these songs can be recorded in and bloom inside many peoples hearts, with their everlasting scents even after time passes.
you might have found it a little strange to see many people being featured in my first solo album, but this album is like an exhibition that i curated myself. you will understand once you see how they and i harmonize. every single person who participated had their own wavelength that cannot be replaced by anyone else, and every single one of them was my first priority to bring! more than anything, i owe all of them some minutes, some hours, or even some months or some years of my life. i have always wanted to become someone like them to someone else.
i have already created and filmed a good amount of content and am just drinking solo at home feeling melancholy and somewhat empty... but like 10 years ago, i try to not doubt that true hearts will connect by true hearts, and love will be connected by love.
- namjoon