please read this carefully before following me. i am not responsible for your discomfort w my posts if you don't read/purposefully ignore this list.

important stuff to know byf:

  • I am bisexual, ace exclusionist, and antinatalist. I am also an atheist who frequently criticizes Christianity/Catholicism and religious cults. If you can't respect that, stay away from me. I don't owe you a debate on any of these things either, so don't follow me to ask for one.
  • i am very picky about interacting w people from ireland. this is due to traumatic events with an old friend group from there that occurred before. if you are from there pls try to understand why i'm sus about engaging with you, i just don't want anyone stalking me on my ex-friends' behalf.
  • i tend to make jokes about homophobia on occasion, some of which may sound serious. however, i am part of the lgbt community myself and do not condone (serious) homophobia in any form.
  • my ults and reg biases (and my stan lists in general) tend to change often. don't be surprised if u see someone suddenly dropped/moved around on the list(s).
  • i am a very profane person. most of my captions and comments, as well as my actual posts, include swearing, particularly the heavy usage of the word "fuck." nts, if swearing makes u uncomfy don't even think abt following me.
  • i criticize a lot of kpop/non kpop celebrities for problematic shit and will not hesitate to call them out, whether they're one of my favs or not. if u cant handle possible criticism of ur favs dont follow.
  • i am aware that some of my faves have done problematic shit. like i said above, i do not hesitate to call them out or criticize them for these things. i also make jokes about their fuckups every now and then. i will not coddle them or act as if they "don't know better".
mar 26 2020 ∞
feb 28 2023 +