Customer: Two for Sex.

Mike: That's 18 dollars.

Customer: That's it?

Mike: That's all I can charge!

  • Ryan, about Mike's drawer: You're not very exciting down there.
  • Mike: ...

Ryan: Hi guys.

Me: Bon soir!

Mike, to me: "I don't swallow?"

Me: ... *bursts into hysterical laughter*

  • Adam, whispering because of lost voice: Those kids look like major skadoosh bags.
  • Me and Sarah: We know them!
  • Adam: Well they totally think they're so cool.
  • Me and Sarah: And you don't?

[we go back to registers]

  • Adam: I'm totally not like that
  • Sarah: What?


jun 21 2008 ∞
jul 26 2011 +