• will I ever look like those pretty girls to which you ascribed the world's worth?
  • when you strip me of my intelligence,what do I have left but hollowness?
  • how come I am not able to be false in any way; why is my honesty taken as a sin?
  • why do they deem me eccentric, so, and why does it qualify me as an untouchable?
  • why am I gaining weight?
  • why do I stretch my arms out and giggle too loud and clench too hard- does it make me disabled?
  • why do my curves have wrinkles in them, to which rolls steam outward like an old woman's?
  • why can't I see to pretty up my hair like all the other girls?
  • why am I so round and small?
  • why can't I speak up in class?
  • why is math so hard for me?
  • why can't I simply add and compute a few numbers?
  • how do you hide an emotion anymore?
  • why does everyone who is supposed to love me reject me for who I truly am?
  • why am I taken as offensive and rude when all I want to do is love the world and all its content?
  • why are my knees so ashy?
  • how come my smile is crooked?
jan 13 2013 ∞
jan 13 2013 +