• Are you young at heart, or an old soul?
    • I think I have a very old soul embodied by a very young girl.
  • Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life.
    • A book that really surfaced a lot for me was the novel "Man's Search for Meaning" by Dr. Viktor E. Frankl. I had always been a hopeless romantic and to resurface my belief in true love, instead of dwelling on the wrongs that go along with it, was pivotal in my trip to happiness and a development of hope.
  • You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him.
    • My father is named Michael Charles. He is a short Italian man with a heart bigger than he could hold or carry. He was raised in nothing and born out of it, became something worthwhile. He may have failed a few times, but he rose in the end- healthy and loving. He is a generous man. He is a peaceable man. He is my father, who taught me of soul and sacrifice. He is the man who stopped on Christmas Day to give a homeless man meandering along the Staten Island walkways his entire Christmas booty- woven socks, pants, scarves, hats. All for the man who didn't have any shoes, and had no name to him, and had no way of knowing him.
  • What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning?
    • I'm the girl with the intuition & smarts. Combos mean everything.
  • Tell me about the last book you read.
    • Set in a turbulent time, it surfaced the deep-rooted truths that beauty is fatal and that society casts its back upon certain races. White superiority- a recovering principle- causes pain and damage to the young and old alike, in a tale of the struggles of poverty, snobbery, pedophilia, prostitution, rape and womanhood.
  • Give me an unpopular opinion you have.
    • Tom Daley is not attractive.
  • What is your ethnic heritage?
    • Italian-Polish. Second and third generation.
  • Describe a person that inspires you.
    • Lilah Larson. Apart from the fact she is a feminist lesbian (and I for one am not nearly a feminist, surprise, surprise) she is the coolest babe on the planet. Actually, the femi-lesbian combination really adds to that fact. She's a rabble-rousing, not-afraid-of-anything, sweet and gentle girl who has been through Hell but finally found comfort in herself. If you saw her smirk, and heard her sing out like she was bleeding- you'd be inspired too.
  • What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence?
    • I think that if you strip someone down and they don't have that core intelligence or emotional depth, there is no way whatsoever they can truly be attractive in the uttermost sense of the word. If you flip that however, and pair a great intellectual with looks that maybe aren't tip-top- the emotional depth and intelligence adds to the appearance and bolsters it into something attractive. For me, that intelligence is the prime.
  • Are you hard-headed?
    • I do learn from my mistakes, though I am a very stubborn person. I like to control myself- if I feel I am failing to control myself, or if I feel I have failed, I become angry within and insist that I am correct inside- but on the outside, if in a situation that it is true that I am incorrect, I make it very clear I accept my faults and my wrongdoings and I try to use them to better myself and prevent failure in the like.
  • Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate?
    • Yes. I use to have a terrible problem in church where I found the Bible readings absolutely hysterical, and I tried with my might to stifle that but sometimes I slipped through the uncontrollable giggling.
  • When have you felt most alive?
    • Travel makes you feel most alive because you aren't sitting in the same place, doing the same things. You are acutely aware that these are not familiar things- that this is a new type of culture, sight, taste,sound- anything. To be alive you must notice the fact of the Earth shaping and moving and thriving. You must notice the people surrounding you and you must feel it in your chest that it is beautiful- without that, you aren't living. For me, travel does that best. It's not stagnant. It's real.
  • Where would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains?
    • I would prefer to live in a town that is an offshoot of the city. Having been born in a suburban area and then thrust into the life of rural standards, I learned quite quickly that I need to be occupied and there is nothing occupying to me at this stage of my life in the trees and the patterns of leaves, though the busy centrality of an actual city is too much to stomach at once.
  • Do you often skip breakfast?
    • Always. I just find it a bit revolting to wake up and scoff down a biscuit- I rather keep the stomach empty and free of that burden.
  • How do you know what true love is?
    • There is no measure and no sureness in such substances as love. Nothing in this world will ever be able to measure such a thing. But when you know, you know with every bone in your body, every hair follicle, every dimple, every rigid line of skin.
  • Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die?
    • Absolutely not. We already know it's bound to happen and that's dragging enough- imagine knowing a definite and never being able to fill the voids in your life before it.
  • Where is “home” for you?
    • Home for me is nothing more than existence. I can make my home wherever there is love and laughter and I truly believe that if you have it going for you the right way, home isn't a place but a pang in your heart for not location but loving.
  • What song best describes your life right now?
    • Glass Nor Stone by Sons of an Illustrious Father feels like a junior year autobiography, and I look forward to regaining my strength and reminding myself, as the song says, that my heart is neither glass nor stone. "I will play these cards, keep loving when it's hard". It all feels very relevant to the recuperation I need.
  • Do you want to be perfect?
    • I don't like ideals and I don't feel like we should assign them.
  • What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back?
    • I have never tried to paint with oil on canvas- and my fear of that horrible feeling of not having any talent prevents me. I already know what I cannot do, and I would love to do- but talent and desire don't mix often.
  • How do you express your creativity?
    • Through writing, primarily.
  • Give me the story of your life in six words.
    • I was born and then some.
aug 20 2012 ∞
aug 21 2012 +