• America: What is your favorite place to eat? There aren't many places locally to eat out so I kid you not, usually I go to Perkins when I need a dinner. But there's a local place called Apple Valley I quite like and a small little place called the Forklift Cafe for a light meal. I much prefer to eat out in Little Italy back in Manhattan at my favorite restaurant there, Casa Bella. I also love Lombardi's and back home in Staten Island, I loved to go to Tug's but they closed down.
  • Australia: Do you have any quirks when speaking? I have a strange accent that has traces of New York left in it. I pronounce words oddly. I also have a bit of an impediment where I say "dis" and "dat" and "dere" instead of this, that and there.But I imagine that's just in my docile nature.
  • Austria: What kind of person do you wish to be?I want to be the kind of person who loves passionately and works passionately and is consumed by compassion, an indelible sense of pride and intellect and a person-hood that is comfortable in its freedom and rejoices in its hardship.
  • Belarus: Is there anyone you love? Family, friends, romantic interest? I love my family and closest friends. And I quite fall in love with people I don't know at all, too.
  • Belgium: What do you think of your siblings? I have an amazing little sister, Erika, who is fantastically creative, witty, brilliant, driven and artistic. She singlehandedly channels all I value in a person and a youth in her frame and bites with a spunky bite. Apart from her obscenity and craziness, she is an 11-year-old genius in becoming, who possesses a talent for just about anything and can critically think more than half the morons I am faced with in my day to day life, and I am thankful for this, and for her grace and her unknown infectious laughter, which is unwarranted, selfless and indifferent to all that Earth throws.
  • Botswana: Do you like to sing? Why or why not? I love to sing. I wish I could be respected for such, and master my vocals, but for now I do it for the sake of pastime. I sing because I am a poet, and a writer, and a thinker, and a dreamer, all things that come forth through the lips and the chords of the throat quite easily. I love to sing because to sing is to live raw. To sing is to be nature, to be free, to be grime. It is a release.
  • Bulgaria: Who do you consider close to you? My family, my lover and future fiance John, and my close friends i.e. Kaitlin, who has been my longest friend.
  • Cameroon: Describe your culture. I live in a culture that is based extrinsically and desperately clings to status quo. We are a society that wastes, damages, destroys, buys, consumes, digests, sexifies, conquers and hosts illiteracy over rap. In my society, to be beautiful is to not to be raw. It is to be a media-created being, to be a driven achievement being. I live in a society where college is in-affordable and children are killed in elementary school classrooms. I live in a society where I can buy a gun but cannot expose my breasts. I live in a society that stresses nothing but statistics and imagery, and proposes I marry at 45, where I will then be divorced. I live in a society where the day ticks and nobody stops for anything, not even once, and everything is backhanded. Our culture is fear culture. Our culture is sex culture. Our culture is GO culture. Our culture is throw-away culture. Our culture is fermented.
  • Canada: Favourite wintertime activity? I don't fancy the winter at all, but if I had to choose an activity, I would propose ice-skating or snow-angel making.
  • China: What was the best moment of your life? I think the most exciting answer I could conjure is that it has yet to come yet, and I look forward to it coming, though I have a feeling I know when it will be.
  • Cuba: What sort of grudges do you hold if any? If I held grudges, this would be such a sludge-like life I'd lead. I recommend no one holds any grudges.
  • Cyprus: What hands-on activities do you like (drawing, carving, building, etc.)? I love to make messes and play around with art, especially colored pencils, watercolor and chalk pastels. I also like to stitch things together and make scrapbooks and cut hair and cut up cloth into new pieces and re-purpose them.
  • Denmark: Do you wish for something of your past? I wish nothing but for the remarkable innocence and laughter.
  • Egypt: Do you stand up for what you believe in? How? I am a loud-mouthed, self-incarnated, morally driven Italian power beast. If I didn't open my mouth for everything I believed, I would not be myself. I always, always interject my "opinions," with enough evidence to prove them fact, fact, fact and correct. I am strong-willed, blunt and not afraid of anyone, anything.
  • England: Are you controlling? In aspects, I think everyone to be controlling. I try not to control any more than I wish to be controlled myself, but in mutually compensating relationships, sometimes this means asking for what would be comfortable and fitting, which some people believe to be control, and others to believe to be sacrifice and part of long-term commitments. In group settings, I can take charge, or pass the reigns, or deny them completely. I am a very relaxed, understanding person and I can lead or follow as I choose, not having a preference to control or be controlled.
  • Estonia: Do you think people often misunderstand you? I think that if anyone in the world were to label as misunderstood, I would be a very good candidate. So many people interpret me as a bigoted, close-minded, atheist, antifeminist and dramatic massacre of a woman when I am directly the opposite. Also, for some reason, though I reek of daisy-fresh kindness, some people glance at me and label me as ANTI-AMICABLE. The thought!
  • Finland: What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy? I prefer both kindness and sternness, for each has its use and dosage. But never, ever, is apathy an acceptable approach.
  • France: How do you show love for those you care for? I try and show them through every breathe I take, through eyes, hands, words and smiles. Mostly through honesty and affection and through my utmost sharing with them, me, my life, my everything, to cores and bones and caverns.
  • Germania: What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do? I like to imagine that others have it much harder than I ever had, and so all I have been and done is trite in comparison to those brave, effervescent sorts of souls, and I commend them in their trials, and deny that I have had mine!
  • Germany: Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself? I forgive everyone but myself, an almost binding but mutually necessary way of life to me. The only person I should ever obey to perfect is myself.
  • Ghana: What is our favourite sport? Ballet, weight-lifting, soccer and javelin.
  • Greece: Do you let others help you when in need? I'm not sure if I do. I think perhaps I am very shut up in my need, and have a hard time accepting others knowing I am need, because I wish to self-compensate. But I am very needy, and not accepting of help in need. Perhaps this is a tragic flaw of mine in which I am willing to admit.
  • Hungary: Who is the person you trust most? The written word for all its value, myself and my love.
  • Hutt River: What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had? One particular nightmare which persisted repeatedly in my youth, of a deranged doll perpetually haunting the floors of my household through violence, demonic force and bloodshed.
  • Hong Kong: Do you fear death? As much as anything, as much as you.
  • Iceland: Do you hide your real personality? Why? Absolutely not. The whole reason that I am not digested well is that I am full-frontal 100% Anna all of the time.
  • India: How important is family to you? It is the seedling of existence, and if denied in its importance, would everything be, and persist to be, lost and hapless.
  • Japan: Tell us a secret about yourself. I don't have secrets but if I come along one, I will pass it to you.
  • Kenya: What is your favourite wild animal? If dinosaurs were extant but... they are not. So I will settle on wolves. And snakes, big ones.
  • Korea: What is one thing you accomplished by yourself? I won myself the Brown Book Award for writing excellence.
  • Kugelmugel: Is there anyone you have a love-hate relationship with? Hate-hate, love-love, non-non. It's all clear-cut.
  • Latvia: Do you believe you are brave? I believe I am weak and permeable.
  • Ladonia: What is the internet site you visit most often? Tumblr, Facebook, Forever21.
  • Liechtenstein: How do people underestimate you most often? People see me and qualify me as shy and unambitious, but then I speak and I believe it is surprising. People also believe I am trusting, and kept shut up, but then they try and knock me down, and I gurgle out my lexicon ammo and they disintegrate before me. They don't believe in that about me. They believe I am small, incapable, lost- but I am fluent and immortal.
  • Lithuania: Do you desire power? No. Power is the root of corruption. I don't want such a corrosive to hurt me to rubbish.
  • Macau: What is your favourite festival or celebration? Christmastime celebrations.
  • Molossia: Do you consider yourself strong? I already have told you of my thin skin.
  • Monaco: Do you think you are a lucky person? I think if luck exists, then I have never kissed it.
  • New Zealand: Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard? An elf. Elves are the quintessential mythology of my persona and I am just as verbose, stiff and charming as one, in all of my gurgling, grumbling, Earth-kissing molten laughter hidden behind dark poetry.
  • North Italy: What is your least favourite part of your personality? I am apt to be sad.
  • Norway: What was the most disappointing time in your life? I am a second-choice child.
  • Netherlands: Most generous thing someone has done for you? Once in Italy I was upon the beach. I walked barefoot to an old man who looked like Serge Gainsbourg's grandfather and bought from him a strawberry and vanilla gelato. I consumed it swiftly, and being as I was 11, quickly wanted more. I walked back to the beach stand and the man who could not speak a word of English looked at me as I asked for another popsicle in my horribly inaccurate Italian motifs and all he did was smiled, shouting, "Bella, bella bambina!" He gave me the ice cream and said to me, in his thick Italian, NO MONEY, NO MONEY. I consumed it for free besides his stand where he laughed at my smile and I thought how nice it was to have the ice cream for free and the beach waters were blue and all the women were tanned and all the children were soccer-playing and I had a bad haircut and my first period cramps but I thought I AM A LUCKY GIRL and I loved to smile.
  • Poland: Hardest thing you have gone through? I answered this already.
  • Prussia: Would you prefer to live forever or die alone? What a dismal question! As much as I despite eternity despise I loneliness, but given the choice of the two, well who would want to die alone, not enveloped by a love's security?
  • Roman Empire: How would you like to be remembered? As someone who, in borrowed words, "Lived, loved and said it well in good sentences."
  • Romania: What is something you are very ashamed of? I can't compute numbers.
  • Russia: Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still? We are all just fragile like that, aren't we?
  • Sealand: Who is your best friend? John.
  • Seborga: What is your favourite beverage? I love water, the sustenance of all life, and no juices, milk, sodas or the likes.
  • Seychelles: How do you handle people being rude to you? I smack them with verbal abuse of the highest caliber.
  • South Italy: What is your favourite part of your personality? I am true.
  • Spain: What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance? I'm sorry I didn't do whatever it is I should have done.
  • Sweden: Are you a leader, follower, or independent? I am independent and don't do much of following or leading or anything.
  • Switzerland: Would you consider yourself evil, good, or neutral? I would love if I were good, please.
  • Thailand: How good is your poker face? I'm Lightman; how good do YOU think it is?
  • Tibet: What do you value most? Passion.
  • Taiwan: What do you think of the people or person who raised you? They were wonderful in handling me to become my own self and morally efficient.
  • Turkey: Would you ever want children? I would not be living if I had never a baby to call my own. It is what I live for.
  • Uganda: How would you like others to see you? I have answered this already throughout this.
  • Ukraine: What is one thing that has made you stronger in life? Companionship of my boyfriend.
  • Vietnam: What is something you are proud of about yourself? I can turn a sentence.
  • Wy: What kind of art do you like? All kinds of art. All art is good art.
  • Zimbabwe: Who is your favourite character from any folklore? Baba Yaga.
feb 27 2013 ∞
jan 7 2015 +