• They are watching TV... What are they watching? He would have been watching Breaking Bad but now the season has ended. Fiddlesticks for him. He likes reality; a lot of pawn, a lot of history, a lot of science but don't be deceived; he likes the housewives, bridezillas & other shows just as much as the next. He also followed Walking Dead (just not as ardently as Breaking Bad.)
  • You're out to eat. What kind of dressing do they get on their salad? He would stumble and not bother to ask what kinds of dressing the restaurant had so would probably scour his mind for the answer to "what kinds of dressings exist" and settle with Italian or French without even wanting it!
  • What's one food this person doesn't like? Lasagna because it looks like fly wings (stupid idiot homeboy) but also soggy foods that are ick to him.
  • You go out to the bar. He/she orders...... If he drank, he'd order something like scotch or whiskey so he could put it in a flask and pretend to be British or a madman or cool or something.
  • Where did he/she go to high school? Um....lemme think...STDV with me of course!
  • What size shoe do they wear? He pretends to be an 8 but it's a bit smaller than that, isn't it dear? (sarcastic baby face)
  • If this person were to collect anything, it would be... Ping pong paddles, long boards, scientific liquids and experiments and stuff and also coins and stuff.
  • What is their favorite type of sandwich? Turkey sammich with the good get-up and the condiments to make his tum satisfied with the good sammich.
  • This person could eat __ everyday. Pizza boy, pizza boy.
  • Favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Reeses Puffs. But it goes in phases and right now it's a Cinnamon Toast Crunch phase.
  • This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing? Tank tops!
  • Favorite sports team? If he were answering this he'd probably be like "STRONGEST MEN COMPETITION POLAND" because it's recent in his head.
  • Who will he/she vote for? PROBABLY a Democrat
  • What is their sign? He be a Scorpio (oooh scary)
  • What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't? Bitch and moan, lack confidence, say "be romantic."
  • How many states has this person lived in? Oh jesus: Alaska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania.... yeah, that's it? Yeah and CONCEIVED IN GERMANY as he likes to brand.Oh and Margaretsville too sort of.
  • What is his/her heritage? PUERTO RICAN DUTCH WEIRDO
  • You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind do you bake? Chocolate cake with chocolate icing but probably he would like an ice cream cake from the store better.
  • Did he/she play sports in high school? Hahahahah no.
  • This person could spend hours... Playing video games, playing ping pong, going into the nothingness box (well, he would like to stay hours in there....), building and experimenting with crap
  • He/She wants a new... ping pong paddle.
  • The CD I would probably find in their vehicle is... HRVRD, Sinatra or MOST LIKELY right now, Passenger.
  • What can you do that will guarantee a laugh from him/her? Bop or say something cute in my baby voice or tickle his sides!!!! It was so cute when I tickled his sides in bed the other day. He was so smiles, I was so in love.
  • Does he/she get along well with their family? Yes- sometimes he does not agree with them, but they mean a lot to him! He doesn't communicate the best but he'd give his life for his pops and mom and stinky stister.
  • If money wasn't an option, I would buy him/her... a 300 dollar ping pong paddle (to beat that other boy!) or an Arbor longboard like he likes.
oct 9 2013 ∞
oct 9 2013 +