• Most comforting place, smell, sound and memory? Some comforting places are: in bed with fluffy comforter on and andrew the stuffed friend in your arms, laying on the boyfriend when he strokes your hair && in the middle of the woods if you ever do make it outside; some comforting smells are: the smell of rain, the smell of very warm chocolate chip cookies && the smell of the ocean tides washing up gently; some comforting sounds: sappy indie, ocean waves, tweeting birdies, gentle rain; some comforting memories: IDK I tend to associate MEMORY && the PAST w/ paranoia, anxiety && psychocis and that's not very comforting so... no.
  • Your ambitions as a child and your ambitions now. As a child, when asked, I always used to announce that I wanted to be a mother and that still holds true. I'm a very nurturing woman && I think one of the most wonderful things I'll ever experience will be experienced with the formation of my family && by holding my children. I also wanted to be a teacher, which still holds true as I'm studying to be one now. But I wanted to be some ridiculous things too, like an archaeologist && cast in a horror movie && a broadway star.
  • Biggest fear. My greatest fear is that everyone, everyone in their entirety, will stop loving me, and I will never feel the warmth of skin or the support of a lover.
  • Qualities you would like in a partner (if you would like one). Qualities I like in my partner are that he has an unremitting capacity to be optimistic and the world is always laughable to him, no matter what it is offering. He is creative && different, a friend && lets me be a child, which heals the child in me.
  • Traits you couldn’t put up with in a partner (if you would like one). Insensitivity, disrespect, dishonesty, a lack of communication.
  • What is the worst thing you have done to another person? (Let them down, lied, faked love etc). I'm a gentle, good-intention soul. Really the only horrible things I done have been out of my consumption with jealousy, in which I have the tendency to spite, prove wrong && retaliate verbally or otherwise make drastic points out of nothingness.
  • What are your worst traits and features? I'm narcissistic, pretentious, easily jealous, needy && psychotic.
  • What are your best traits and features? I'm 100% made of love, generosity, creative && critical thought, inventive design, good-intention, && nurture.
  • How would you explain your idea of ‘true love’? You can't explain the idea of true love and that's what makes it omnipotent.
  • The biggest mistake you’ve made. Why do surveys tend to make you think of that??? Surveys are nasty little psycho-analysts, aren't they? We already know the worst mistake I've made.
  • Are you rational or more emotional? Laughs maniacally. I'm a cynical idealist, a rational sentimentalist and a passion-powered logical thinker.
  • Do you think you’re very conscious of the feelings of others or more self oriented? I am a sponge for others' feelings. I've always possessed an excellent empathy/sympathy.
  • Greatest achievement personally. Managing to stay happy most of this year, to rid bad thoughts, to clean my mind && my aura.
  • If you struggle to sleep at night, what do you do to try and soothe yourself to sleep? I think of when I was young && suffered from sleep terrors. Then, if it was a bad dream, I would always try to "change the channel" with the remote control in my head. I do this still and change the channel to a pleasant, happier place inside.
  • What irritates you most about society? It moves towards the self and rarely paces towards the other.
  • When you compliment someone, what do you tend to focus on? (Looks, intelligence, personality). I tend to compliment inventive thinking, but also style/looks.
  • Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends? Probably not because he's probably a thug.
  • Something you love to do, but feel guilty about after/during. Pornography.
  • Would you like children in the future. If so why? Of course
  • White or red wine? But I don't drink wine, so how could I assess wine?
  • Who was the last person you hugged? My John.
  • Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? I have an official teacher fetish && it's a lavish, uncontrollable problem.
  • Where did your first kiss take place? Oh, nowhere in the world I'd like to remember.
  • Do you prefer foxes or wolves? WOLVES are the COOLEST.
  • What is your shoe size? Itty bitty 5/6.
  • Do you prefer fruit or vegetables? I like my veggies because legumes are veggies && I am bean.
  • Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Sad face no.
  • Would you rather never fall in love again or never orgasm again? I rather never orgasm again. What monster ever picks the physical sensation over the emotional fulfillment???
  • What does your outfit consist of today? Today I wore my dark khaki safari drawstring shorts w/ my orange v-neck && my sun rose glasses && my elementary teacher sandals 4 environmental field day @ the elementary school, in which I hosted an activity group.
  • What are your bust-waist-hip measurements? I'm obsessed so actually know this. They are the same as Katy Perry's! 34-27-34! Hourglass reppin' 4ever.
  • Are you a hypocrite? I hope to God not. There's nothing I hate more than dishonesty/hypocrisy/cheat.
  • Why did you last cry? Because I was stressed/sad that I was ugly [I have a painful pimple/gained some weight this year && worried I don't look as good].
  • What are your favourite smells? Food & rain.
  • What are your favourite textures? Stuffed friend, cloth, scrunchies, silk.
  • Fur or feathers? Neither. Creatures, creatures.
  • Tartan or tweed? Tweed because cute old men, especially old men teachers, wear tweed.
  • Leopard print or neon? Ew what the hell! Neither!
  • Any beauty tips? Yeah, stay natural.
  • (Send me a fuck marry kill)
  • If you won a LOT of money from the lottery and decided to move, where would you move to? Woodstock, NY reppin' 4ever.
  • Alcoholic beverage of choice? Water.
  • What is more attractive: Nice hands or nice feet? EW what the hell! Neither!
  • What’s the youngest you would consider dating? 18.
  • If you were around in the sixties would you be a mod or a rocker? I'd be such a mod it wouldn't even be funny. I'd be the most mod of all the mods ever to exist in the history of the 60s.
  • Are thongs sexy? Not on some of the people I've seen i.e. Dana.
  • Did you grow up in a healthy environment? eurgh semi???
  • What do you think of when I say “the twenties”? The skirt were shorter, the drinks were stronger && the morals were looser.
  • Could you ever deliver a baby? I hope I can but I'm terrified of that bit of the family building process.
  • Is penetration important to you? Actually I'm kind of really afraid of penetration if that makes sense??? Just the thought of it freaks me out, I don't understand why... probably an anxiety/confidence thing.
  • What did your last text read? "Butt dial."
  • Can you ride a bicycle? Yes. But it's no good.
  • What sport were you best at in high school? The one where you go on the internet like a marathon runner runs.
  • Who do you miss right now? No one, really.
  • What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? I don't know because I don't drink so that makes this difficult to answer.
  • Paris, London and New York… which one would you live in, which would you visit for a day, which would you visit for a fortnight? I would live in NY, visit London for a day && visit Paris for a fortnight, but ironically, I have already done all of those things.
  • Heavy rain or heatwave? Both. I like both.
  • Chicken or fish? CHICKEN! HELL NO TO THE FISH! What is WRONG with people? Why is it okay to them that the vast expanse of ocean that covers our planet (70%) && contains so many pollutants && strange, deep mysteries is where fish come from??? Why is it not gross that they are slimy and swim in that mass of guck???
  • Do you think suits are sexy? My, oh my. Sure I do.
may 31 2013 ∞
jan 7 2015 +