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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...

  • when i take my contacts out or don't have my glasses on, for some reason i think everyone has the same blurred vision i do and people can't see me or other objects very well. i do not know why this happens but it seriously does
  • i love the feeling of super tight long sleeves
  • i don't like to blow dry my hair. i probably do it like 5 times a year total. i just don't like to. this creates a problem however because my hair takes hours (we're talking 3-4 minimum) to dry.
  • apparently i have extra small hands and feet. they are regular sized to me but hardly a day goes by when someone doesn't comment on one or both of them.
  • my face gets super red when i get hot or excersize. everyone always asks me if i am okay, if i feel alright, do i need to sit down? i'm fine folks. it's natural.
  • i laugh really, really, loudly. it scares some and annoys others.
  • sometimes i get really bored when i am driving, so i like to entertain myself by seeing how far i can go without pushing the gas or how fast i can get up to 60. i also try (unsuccessfully) to drive with my knees or steer with my hand in a wierd position. lots of singing along to the radio occurs in Black Velvet as well. turn it up.
  • it takes me FOR-EV-ER! to make simple, dumb little decisions, and big ones too. but then, there are other times when the decision is clear, no question about it, and i get annoyed when other people are holding me back. its pretty inconsistent and i never know when i'm going to be which. it frustrates me and everyone around me. i apologize!
  • i recently discovered that if i hold my favorite finger in a certain position i have no control over the tip of it.
  • I swear i forget things I was going to say more than the average person forgets things. maybe that's because i talk more than the average person. i don't know. but this is true.
  • i do NOT, i repeat do NOT! understand geography. i just don't get it. i don't know my directions and i don't know where anything is. whether it's New Orleans (which happens to NOT be an island up by Iceland and New Zealand as a matter of fact) or mexico (who knew it was connected to the US?) i really do not know these things. I don't know how anyone does.
  • mosquitos (knock on wood) ahahahahhaha when i was writing wood i actually wrote weed. hahahahah. anyway. mosquitos don't like me.
  • i don't do well with discrimination against women at all. i never have and i don't exactly know why. I should be able to just let it go but sometimes I can't
  • i love hands. I just do i don't know why. They intrigue me and I always find myself staring at them. One day I will do a research project or art project or start a business or something about hands.
  • I always pull my long sleeves over my hands. Maybe it's a comfort thing, maybe I like the feel, I feel weird when they are short. I don't know where it began but it's me through and through. I love thumb holes soooo so much.
  • I am very frugal with my money, I think. Call me cheap, watching my pennies is what I do best. Especially since I've been in college, but I have ALWAYS saved and saved since I was teeny tiny. I don't mind getting by on what I already have or the no name brand of things. I have never been one of those people who always needs the latest and greatest. I scrutinize and analyze every purchase and hate the times I regret buying something. Coupons are cool, deals are great, free is best. haha just kidding I don't really go by that but, basically I just watch my money closely. I try to get the most out of my tank of gas, rewear clothes before washing (sorry if that grosses people out, its usually only twice). My weakness is shopping though, however contradictory that is. I love clothes and shoes, photos, and kitchen supplies and things I must have when I get on a project kick.
  • I am a relitively bad driver. I seriously don't try to be but I really think I am. I wish I wasn't and I try to be good but I always find myself in risky situations while driving or close calls.
  • I met Jennifer Aniston once.
  • I have never seen the Star Wars or Lord of the Rings series and I don't really care to.
  • I don't have a favorite genre of music.
  • I shed like a some sort of monster. In fact, the amount of hair I shed on a weekly basis could probably be used to produce some kind of monster.
  • Bump on my left lower leg
dec 31 2009 ∞
oct 11 2011 +