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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...

  • jeans with no emroidery or design or any sort of anything on the back pockets
  • long finger nails. other people can have them, great! but not i!
  • lying
  • when a decision can't be made- i am very good at this and it annoys me
  • lame forwards. "if you don't pass this on to 69 bazillion people in the next 2 seconds you WILL die at midnight next thursday. count on it." right.
  • homework
  • people who show no expression whatsoever
  • slow computers
  • bad customer service
  • slow drivers
  • bad referees- ehh... i guess its a hard job to do. but so what! call it right!
  • selfishness. nope, i'm not perfect at this, but there are worse folks out there i do believe
  • fingernail clipping in public. that is SO sick! what if i were to drop my food and happen to want to pick it up and dust it off and eat it again, then i start crunching on a nasty fingernail!? GROSS! this should be done in private.
  • you want me to want you, like someone else. ugh.
  • the ACT
  • the school officials and the other rule makers doing dumb stuff. now, obviously, i have no idea about any of this stuff, but some of the things these people come up with are SO DUMB. I just don't understand. They make everything so complicated. but, i'm nonjudgemental. ;)
  • When i have an idea or a thought in my head, obviously, and I can't expain it right out loud. See example above. and any of the rest of my lists. or just talk to me sometime.
  • blackmumbler. blackstock. blacktaco. blackhead. black whatever. he drives me nuts and so does his hair.
  • people reading right over my shoulder. a little distance is okay. and this doesn't always bother me. but sometimes it does.
  • never shutter uppers. especially when it is definately time to shut 'er up!
  • the silent treatment
  • dentists/orthodontists/hygenists who are just working away in your mouth, and then they start trying to have a conversation and ask all these open ended questions. um yeah, hi, your hand is currently in my mouth cutting of my air supply and limiting my voice abilities right now, but wanna talk later?
  • when people leave their blinkers on for like 2 hours. ohhh it drives (ha, punny.) me so nuts. I cannot take it. i want to crash into them. although one time, when i was being annoyed by this, it turned out to be elder holland in the car. Wha'ere bro holland. wha'ere.
  • people touching my scalp. touching my hair is fine but i for some reason do not like when people like dig into my scalp scalp. ESPECIALLY my bald spot from headstands. it almost makes me sick is how bad i don't like it. hair dressers shampooing my hair is a different story.
  • missed belt loops
oct 3 2009 ∞
jul 25 2010 +