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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...

  • fourwheeling in the mountains, have a nice little picnic, and have a huge mud fight and such while were up there and get COVERED in mud!
  • making kites and then flying them
  • build a bear! only... this one has to be with my one and only... because that's just awkward if i have a bear from someone else. i want to keep it forever and ever. yeah... that makes sense in my head...
  • hike up to a really cool waterfall, play in the waterfall, take in the sights.
  • concert
  • small road trip
  • wash cars
  • play in the water fountains at gateway, or, any water fountain anywhere
  • i have always wanted to go on a beach date! seein how there are no beaches around here... dang.
  • cook dinner/cookies/any type of food
  • drive inn movies! love them!
  • game night! must include: pit, blurt, curses, gladiator spoons, capture the flag, sardines, balderdash, mad gab, and all the other classic judd fam games!
  • watch the sunrise/set from a nice location
  • go hunting
  • waterpark
  • baptisms for the dead
  • go to general conference- sitting outside on temple square or in the building, both suit me just fine!
  • color me mine
  • those fun go cart places!
  • scavenger hunt
  • sample day at costco
  • tubing in the snow
  • horse ride
  • make a movie
  • boating
  • jay walk
  • swim in the homestead crater!
  • the worlds cheapest date
  • take my grandma's tandem for a spin
  • carraige ride
  • any sort of vandalizing
  • bonfires are always an excellent choice
  • watch a movie in the mountains
  • progressive dinner
  • progressive drive through dinner
  • go to lots of different restaraunts and only order dessert
  • go somewhere i can wear my prom dress
  • movie marathon
  • water fight! or whipped cream. or pudding.
  • build a fantastic lego house. i prefer this one to be with mister right as well.
  • sand dunes
  • glue money to the ground and watch the unsuspecting victims fail. ha i'm mean. any other amusing tricks like that...
  • go to a wedding reception or some party of someone we don't know
  • carve pumpkins
  • barbeque
  • welfare square/service
  • temple square at christmas
  • fishing
  • draw with sidewalk chalk or draw all over a covered table, make our own chalk!
  • make ice cream! or cupcakes, or cook whatever
  • make lanterns from Tangled
  • spray paint t shirts
  • hot air balloon
  • giant tarp water slide
  • plank date
  • tim tam slams
  • walmart bingo
sep 28 2009 ∞
nov 13 2011 +