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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...


This is weird cuz I never think about this. Today I did.

  • Invite the missionaries over for dinner
  • I love you will be heard sincerely and often
  • I'll hang out with my kids and go do fun stuff with each of them personally
  • Hold FHE on Monday night to the best of our ability
  • My kids will know of my testimony because I will share it with them through word and action constantly
  • The gospel will be the center of our home
  • My kids will have jobs
  • They will learn how to work, clean, share, and cook
  • They will be active and healthy- no following the trend of obesity in America
  • Hold family prayer daily- morning and night
  • Family scripture study- even if it's just a verse
  • I want to have an open home where people feel at ease to come and go
  • I will own a trampoline
  • Teach my kids how to ride a bike, roller blade, do a backflip on the tramp, sled, snowboard and ski, dance, and art, piano, music, whatever their passion is
  • I will communicate with my children and husband--not just be in demand and control all of the time, talk with them and find solutions, compromise and care truly about them and their lives
  • I will pray for them
  • Have traditions
  • Stay at home with my children if at all possible- because that is where they need me the most and where my Heavenly Father wants me to be.
  • Run a business from home (with husband) if I want to
  • Travel with my family
  • Be open minded to their ideas
  • Provide a place where friends can feel the spirit and learn the gospel
  • Create an environment conducive to building missionaries
  • Talk about everything
  • Go on a mission with my husband
  • Participate in church callings
  • I think I want 5 kids, but I'll find out later
  • I want pets
  • Have family fun nights, order pizza, movie nights, read and eats, make ice cream, water fights and craft stuff
  • Husband and I workout together
  • I never ever want my kids to say they have never heard their mom bear her testimony. I want them to know without a doubt, I want my testimony to be constant, shared often if not directly, and shown in my every action.
  • I want to have long hair when I am older. If it keeps its thickness.
  • I pray I am not one of those people that gets sick from rides and stuff because I always want to still ride rollercoasters, cliff jump, boat, run, bike, drive, jump on the tramp, flip/move, and everything with my kids
  • Make chores and household duties fun! Switch things up and think of ways to make it fun and interactive, memories with kids. It really is not worth it to fight your kids so much to keep things perfectly in line and clean all the time! We can always clean up, its fun to let go and make a mess sometimes, especially if it makes the kids smile. Compromise with the kids to let them help make decisions.
  • There will be no major secrets in my family like a secret adoption or death or divorce or something. Everything will be out in the open and the kids will know and be free to ask questions and be able to feel secure and trust their parents.
  • Always always take millions of pictures of family!
  • Go on trips together, no matter how big or small. Camping, roadtrips, etc. I want my kids to see things outside their hometown and gain what experience they can. I hope they love to explore and travel like me :)
  • Teach my kids financial skills; make them little money holders for tithing, savings, mission, spending. Let them earn money for things they want to buy, let them see me spend my money wisely. Teach them to work at jobs to earn money.

Teach them the importance of tithing and always pay mine faithfully, let them see me do so. Come to tithing settlement.

jan 21 2011 ∞
sep 26 2011 +