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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...


Here's why

  • the smell of the laundry room
  • tiff waking me up for breaky at 9:30 every saturday
  • daily trips to foodland
  • daily trips to foodland for icecream. what else?
  • tiff's truck. oh how i am going to miss rides in the back of free roamer--the time we piled 11? people in it!
  • living next to my brest friends
  • the sunshine
  • the palm trees
  • the point
  • sunrises at the point
  • the beach at night
  • naps on the beach
  • running in the mornings with Jilly
  • eating every mean with people that make me laugh until i cry all day every day
  • tiff falling off the sidewalk always
  • me and kad's late night talks about everything and anything
  • snuggling in our beds
  • waking up and rolling into just hang out with my bresties or hanging out all day everyday no matter what
  • tuesday devos
  • aloha fridays
  • never wearing shoes
  • sand on my toes
  • seeing these people who have become my family. It is weird when we don't see one of us for a day or even a few hours. We don't have anyone else.
  • Brother ritchie waking me up with his whistling every morning
  • the spirit that feels SO good here. its home and its restful and peaceful and reassuring and calming and protective and strong
  • wearing summer clothes
  • guitar nights with kaz and cam
  • doubling on tash's bike and tiff's longboard
  • the accepting people that smile and give you anything
  • my jobs
  • watching conference at 6 am
  • Hale prayer
  • tsunami nights
  • goodnights and I love yous and hugs
  • flex dollars
  • toothpicks from the caf
  • the hawaiian language
  • everyone playing their ukes and singing all the time
  • flowers in hair
  • the good food: kahuku grill, korean bbq, ted's
  • the variety of foods offered in the grocery store
mar 16 2011 ∞
sep 30 2011 +