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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...

  • the time me, dall, linz, ky, and i don't know who else was there, went up top after a cheer competition and then we had to drop to the floor cuz someone came in and then linz went to open the door and someone was walking down the hall so we sat in the little room outside the auditorium smashed up against the wall for at least an hour!
  • oh... canoeing in echo... one fell out and then another, and another, and the last one said, burrr its sooo cold! from the ice capped mountains to the frigid waters... and then we dragged the canoe forever and ever and froze our butts off literally, and all those little trees under the water scratched us and then, oh, wait, an ambulance is showing up. wait, do you think that's for us? no... oh, another ambulance. and some cops. "oh my hell. oh my hell." annie?! you swear?! and then all the emergency people just stood and watched and didnt even help us. chels had started to get hypothermia the non fat child. dall was pissed. we took photos.

more to come.

  • this was when PC was undergoing all that construction. me, linz, ky, and possibly j? i think. linz was driving the beloved green grandma van and we were going to turn right to go up to walmart. mind you, all the lanes were mixed up and half of them no longer existed. so we go to turn right in the SINGLE right turn lane, and as we turn there is a car coming down the hill righ at us! so linz swerves right, into the construction zone, which is like a 5 or 6 inch drop. linz is like Sh*@! and we are trapped there in the construction zone, surrounded by cones and in a 6 inch -at least-drop off.
  • the time james told kelsi that wade quit the play and i thought kelsi was going to never stop laughing
  • the purple party's SBO video when russ is like "oh thank you god! hahahahahaha!"
  • ahahah! when we were in ky's room and J stepped in some grossness and ky is like "oh! Mimi!"
  • buying the two mice (james and jacie) from petco and scaring everyone! karen was the best, natalie and dixie probably tie for second. ky and linz were funny too. that game never gets old.
  • One fine night, me and jacie and chels decide to take a little trip on Kent's ranger to Pace's pond. it may or may not have been in the middle of the night, and we may or may not have had clothes on. Then, we snuck into dallin's room and laid in his bed for like an hour before he noticed we were there when i tried to kiss him. oh my gosh we were so dirty!! oh dear i just realized i totally put that in the wrong place. what i meant was... we were really really muddy! like i think there was mud all over in dall's bed. his shower had mud everywhere. oops.
  • back in the day, when we were just young freshmen with out cars and other sorts of transportation, there were days when we had to sit in dall's van until he got out of football practice to take us home. this one day, we got in and sat there for a while... and then came up with a cunning plan. i have a criminal mastermind i tell you. here's what went down. first of all, crank up the volume on the stereo. second of all, stuff the back packs and other peraphenilia i dont know how to spell that sound it out. under the seats to block the view. then we got into position. we shoved ourselves clear in the back between the seats on the floor. finally dall came out of the locker room, started up the van. of all songs, hotel california was up. i'm not sure if you are aware of this, but hotel california is a longgggg song. he starts heading home and we are back there DYING! i almost peed my pants i don't know about everyone else but i was in tears i was laughing so hard. dall is up there singing along to the radio. wade is in the passenger seat. we were whispering back there in between laughs that we would scream when this song got over. it NEVER got over. so.. right before he turned on to spring canyon road, we screamed our guts out. the poor kid almost had a heart attack. good thing we didn't crash.

sorry, these are unorganized and odd. i'll consider fixing them later.

dec 31 2009 ∞
feb 5 2010 +