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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...

  • cool with a little comfortable silence every once in a while
  • be able to hold a conversation about one subject for a long period of time
  • spontaneity
  • confidence. of course, not too much as in cockiness because well, no one wants that, but self confidence... is important and no one wants to be around someone who doesn't care for themselves it doesn't make anyone feel good
  • honestly concerned about the well being of others.
  • thinks through things, isn't rash
  • not quick to anger
  • no mustache! A. they are for old people. B. who wants to kiss something all coarse and rough and pokey and hairy and gross and contaminated? I, for one, prefer lips.
  • he has to be bigger than me. taller, yes, that too, but he has to be ummm like meatier or something i don't know what the word is. he has to be able to hold me and have it be comfortable. be able to pick me up. stick thin- uh uh. especially for when i get fat and then he stays that skinny? no sir. not cool.
  • common sense
  • able to deal with my ADD and other weirdnesses. <-- my point exactly.
  • i want him to be protective of me, in a good way. you know what i mean.
  • yep, this is a cheap one. brace yourself. you know when you hear those songs that always talk about him liking you best without makeup on, ponytail in place, in your old sweats and what not... i think that's cute!
  • pray with me!
  • a father who hugs his kids, and tells them he loves them. Not one that says oh they already know. I want my kids to feel comfortable talking to their dad, and a dad who loves to talk to his kids. like my dad--gentle, but firm when he needs to be, so loving and so tender, and protective, always willing to listen.
  • Will serve a mission with me.
  • As fast/slow paced as I am
  • Handyman is a big plus
  • Complimentary
  • Always worthy of his priesthood responsibilities and desires to be so and use them
  • Serves in church callings, honorable return missionary
  • Hard working, willing to sacrifice for his family and willing to let me stay at home with kids if I want to
  • Adventurous!
oct 8 2009 ∞
jul 20 2011 +