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Aaaahhhhhh! Here I am! So... basically my entire life i have been a list writer. but, the truth is, i have tried not to be! i have tried and tried to suffocate my inner list maker and force it to die by not allowing myself to write one until i just about feel like i'll die if i don't just WRITE IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. so i break down and write a dang list. but i'm sick of keeping my inner list writer...


the good the bad and the ugly!

don't worry about how random this list is.

  • contrary to popular belief... the display shoe is NOT a one size fits all shoe.
  • Don't grab your own receipt. the first one is mine anyway.
  • hydee's got new hy tops... nananew from skechers...
  • did you say, schmalentine??
  • I don't know how many times I have almost killed myself on a ladder.
  • HELLO. do you not see me coming at you with this gigantic ladder! If you wish to live, please move. You're the one who asked me to grap that size 9 anyway.
  • this is so KNOT happening! Get it?! annie didn't get it...
  • respect!
  • we have some thongs! we have bigger ones and smaller ones, we have alot of thongs. There are colorful ones and grandma type ones too.
  • What!!! is that, FRESH!? its FRESH! that is so fresh!!! oh my gosh its fresh! its totally fresh! there was some serious FRESH blood on a cali gear box. ha! mark freaked!
  • as much fun as it is not to close, and getting out there to see the sun shining, I'm so used to only doing that it doesn't bother me much. This is weird. Straightening sort of calms me now. It's so second nature it always makes me relax and its so weird! I just get time to just think through everything happening in my life right now and its just like soothing.
  • I am going to have serious back problems when I am old. or when I am 26.
  • The phone sayings are so hard! Step into Spring with Skechers during our half off second pair sale now through may 6th this is annie how can i help you? Really???
  • i sell shoes in my sleep. i wake up to find myself trying to fold my blankets into an imaginary shoe box or worrying that i have to measure someones foot.

I love the customers that:

  • trust me enough to tie their shoes for them.
  • are sincere and truly appreciative
  • let me help them
  • call me by name
  • get so excited over their shoes or certain sales
  • it warms my heart when people say "all i wear is skechers." or "i just love skechers they are such good shoes they last forever and are so comfortable" or to hear all the shape up miracle stories, or "we went over to famous footwear and their customer service is so terrible, you guys are wonderful"
  • are so cute! examples:
    • old couples that shop together
    • families that shop together
    • newlyweds that shop together
    • the guys that always say "i'm just here with her..." and they wait and wait so patiently and give their opinion
    • Dads and daughters
    • dads and kids
  • you gotta be some kinda messed up to work here... we are such a dysfunctional family
  • i will punch your adorable little daughter in the shin if she keeps pushing in those boxes I JUST straightened!
  • there is always that one family that comes in right before closing and destroys the entire store that was almost perfect and you were going to get out early or just have a nice chat with nina until ten.
  • shoplifters should be beaten.
  • I can't decide if working here makes me want to go to someone else's shoe store and tear it to pieces or to kindly size and straighten everything perfectly and put everything back in its spot with the lid shut properly and the tissue paper and laces tucked neatly inside.
  • Ricardo dancing
  • Justin dancing
  • Mark dancing
  • Me dancing
  • Justin doing the Shape up work outs
  • Mark falling through the ceiling. Clap... clap...
  • I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to ever, EVER be any kind or amount of rude, ruthless, snappy, impatient, childish or mean to any young girl working somewhere
  • little kids gettin down in front of the mirrors "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" -Joe
  • one night justin and i were closing, just the 2 of us on one of the busiest back to school days ever cuz kelsi ditched us, and we were tired. he put the phone on speaker and started calling steve to give him the numbers. as it was ringing he just randomly yells out and i'm like ha! i dare you to do that on the message. so as he is leaving the message i'm like do it, do it!! he keeps shaking his head at me and finaly gets done with the report and puts the phone down. gahhhhh he screams! and then we bust out laughing and start talking about how he would lose his job and steve will think he's on drugs and what not, and then the answering lady says "to send your message, press one." hahahahahahhahah
  • chucking things at people
  • andrea hage is rotten. and i'm sorry puppy for dropping a tone up on your head.
  • bikers are some of THE NICEST people i have ever met. best customers.
  • you know you spend wayyyy to much time among shoes when you are counting back change to people and you say, "Size 5.... I mean... 5 dollars..."
apr 23 2010 ∞
jan 9 2011 +