- stationary shopping
- crisp air in autumn
- new friends
- dusk
- holding hands for the first time
- seeing your breath on cold days
- traveling someplace new
- warm, soft cookies
- smelling the rain
- feeling the wind
- listening to your favorite song
- collecting rocks
- birthdays
- passing a test
- moroccan mint tea
- meaning something to someone
- meaningful hugs
- having spare money hidden in your clothes
- compliments
- teethy smiles
- listening to a good song for the first time
- photo booth sessions with friends/significant other
- grabbing food samples at the mall
- reading a good book
- embarrassing laughs
- serenity of coffee shops/book stores
- special dates
- fresh pancakes
- love
- drawing/painting/sketching
- haircuts
- new socks
- clean, warm laundry
- optimism
- liking someone new
- seeing rainbows
- petting dogs/cats
- loving yourself
- new money
- 90s sitcoms
- finding something you forgot about/misplaced
- taking naps
- sleeping in
- summer
- dewy skin
- perfect-fitting jeans
- icecream
- speaking up
- kissing
- pride
- to-do lists
- inside jokes
- missing school
- staying home during rainstorms
- humanitarianism
- tears of joy
- releasing anger through crying
- when your heart skips a beat when talking to/seeing your crush
- being so happy you cry
- finding oneself
- deep breathing
- heavy eyelids before/after going to sleep
- dancing
- believing in yourself
- doing what you love
- trying something new, and actually enjoy it
- getting stuff done
- finding a balance
- getting rid of negativity
- accepting others
- new goals
- being true
- honesty
- living
- surviving
mar 10 2014 ∞
mar 10 2014 +