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today, i am amy. i am everything, and nothing. i am no one and i am someone. i am a balloon and a kite and a rock and a log. i am lazy and energetic, happy and sad, crying and laughing. i am holding hands and kisses in the rain. i am freckles and curly hair. i am golden eyes and shy smiles. i am faces in photos, i am arms around friends. i am holes in faces and colored hair. i am nothing, anything...

listography NEW NEWS
Kelsey music (AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies 10th Anniversiary List)
music (acts I've seen)
  • the beach
  • hamilton gardens
  • the lake
  • going on a double feature at the movies
  • road trip
  • mt maungakawa
  • sitting at home watching movies
  • having kfry in the town square
  • mucking around taking photos
  • playing on the playground at the park
nov 6 2010 ∞
nov 6 2010 +