- call yourself
- empty a word of its meaning
- look in vain for "I"
- make the world last twenty minutes
- see the stars below you
- see a landscape as a stretched canvas
- lose something and not know what
- recall where you were this morning
- hurt yourself briefly
- feel eternal
- telephone at random
- rediscover your room after a journey
- drink while urinating
- make a wall between your hands
- walk in the dark
- dream of all the places in the world
- peel an apple in your head
- imagine yourself high up
- imagine your imminent death
- try to measure existence
- dread the arrival of the bus
- play the fool
- watch a woman at her window
- invent lives for yourself
- come across a childhood toy
- wait while doing nothing
- be aware of yourself speaking
- invent headlines
- rediscover a childhood scene that seemed larger
- consider humanity to be an error
- enter the space of a painting
- seek out immutable landscapes
- descend an interminable staircase
- row on a lake in your room
- Say goodbye.
- Climb to the top of a tree and take a picture of the view.
- Repair something.
- Make a field guide to your yard.
- Make an encouraging banner.
- Make an educational public plaque.
- Describe your ideal government.
- Write a press release about an everyday event.
- Interview someone who has experienced war.
- Record the sound that is keeping you awake.
- Photograph a significant outfit.
- Draw the news.
- Give advice to yourself in the past.
- Write the phone call you wish you could have.
- Describe what to do with your body when you die.
- Make the saddest song.
- Reread your favorite book from fifth grade.
- Write down a recent argument.
- Grow a garden in an unexpected spot.
- Ask your family to describe what you do.
- Draw a scene from a movie that made you cry.
- Spend time with a dying person.
- Recreate a poster you had as a teenager.
- Record your own guided meditation.
- Write your life story in less than a day.
- Recreate the moment after a crime.
- Photograph a scar and write about it.
- Make a flier of your day.
- Draw a constellation from someone's freckles.
- Curate an artist's retrospective in a public place.
- Make a poster of shadows.
- Recreate an object from someone's past.
- Start a lecture series.
- Make a documentary video about a small child.
- Make a neighborhood field recording.
- Make a child's outfit in an adult size.
aug 21 2010 ∞
sep 9 2010 +