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Hi! Name's Ral ! I also go by Arxtic/Arcticflakes, ColdCereral, and Frigidtemps.

They/them (However she/her is acceptable if I know you irl or If i've told you it's okay.)

I am a cisgender girl and I am happy being a girl! I just really like gender-neutral pronouns (and masc terms.)

I am somewhere on the aroace spectrum I guess

COUGH I speak english and spanish but prefer english! I am dominican-american :)

I’m a (primarily) traditional artist and I write sometimes.

If you want to contact me for any reason at all, do so through Discord! It's Arxticflakes and my timezone is EST. I'll be on decently enough, and despite my dnd status, usually I only want to not be disturbed if I directly ask for it. If I appear online insanely late however, that's usually a glitch. I have a time limit on my devices to prevent overuse. --

I'm an Aspie w/ Anxiety.

I am currently: having fun on colortwt and busy with school. I'm most active on twitter and discord currently ^^

jun 24 2024 ∞
oct 16 2024 +