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I'm a simple girl, I don't have many dislikes. What I do like is things that make you think. It scares me when people go through life without a single thought.

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  • getting yelled at in preschool for making fun of a kid who had no friends except for his caterpillar. when his caterpillar died, i pounced.
  • being really excited to start kindergarten and slightly afraid when i met my teacher and saw how bald and mustachioed he was... i didn't understand how hair could run away from his scalp and nest on his lip?
  • people leaving us random amounts of groceries on our porch when mom was in the hospital (ie poptarts, cereal, peanut butter, random casseroles)
  • eating poptarts for breakfast and lunch every day for a week when mom was in the hospital (heh heh heh)
  • pretending we were secret agents on rival teams with my entire second grade class
  • falling off of a snowbank when an old guy drove by and honked at me one time. i hit the pavement
  • my teddy bear slippers i wore to school in third grade
  • not doing my homework in fourth grade for who knows what reason
  • in fifth grade sitting in the principal's office being told off for climbing on a pile of tires (i don't entirely know why, we had perfectly decent playground equipment...)
  • catching snakes and when we talked about them, we called it "eating our peas" to disguise our antics from teachers who might make us stop running of into the woods
  • in seventh grade licking the pavement for ten dollars. WORST. IDEA. EVER.
  • being called to the guidance office in seventh grade because she thought i was depressed. her evidence? a story that i had told about my mother making a sandwich. how backwards.
  • my first crush: seventh grade, on a boy two years older than me but one grade above me. he was latino and had amazing hair, and he didn't even know i existed
  • convincing a girl that my best friend did not in fact have a crush on me, that he had a crush on her, and that she should ask him out
  • finding out the next year that in fact, my friend had indeed had a crush on me, for about a year and a half now.
  • winning the spelling bee two years in a row (so this isn't chronological anymore, waa waa waa)
  • skiing with a boy i really, really liked, and having him not laugh at me as i took out an entire row of equipment sliding on my butt
  • breaking up with that boy when i was in maine, over the phone, in less than three minutes after my first relationship (four months)
  • crying while watching the cheetah girls two that night (don't snub me because of my choice in movies, it was incredibly weird)
  • having a flour fight with my friend while baking cookies in her kitchen
  • going to canada with my best friend and getting kicked out of stores by french-speakers we did not understand
  • going to see a play on the most awkward first date of my life.
  • having that first date turn into a second... and a third... and a fourth...
  • starting high school, hooo boy.
  • going on a car trip with my best friend's older brother and getting to know him in a strangely awesome way.
nov 11 2009 ∞
nov 11 2009 +