It’s impossible for Daniel to miss the way Seongwoo's ears dust a light pink at the tips, eyes bright as he tries his best to make it look like he’s focused at their scores across the screen…Daniel only knows for sure Seongwoo is putting on a show for the cameras when the hand in Daniel’s own curls tighter into his palm and he can feel the nervous fluttering of Seongwoo's heartbeat from the veins intertwined up his wrist that tickle the tips of his own fingers.

From the corner of his eyes he can see the camera zooming in on their connected hands, but they never pull away from each other and something in the pit of Daniel’s stomach jumps and tingles with excited fluttery movements.

He doesn’t even remember their ranking…five whole hours of filming and can’t even remember where his team placed or anything..all he remembers is that one moment of him and Seongwoo sitting in a tiny room in front of the camera, hands interlocked with twitchy quick heartbeats and heated skin.

feb 7 2018 ∞
feb 8 2018 +