- Intelligence
- Good movies
- Coffee
- Tea
- Black nail polish
- Music
- Little brothers and sisters
- Orange juice
- Fruits and good food
- Fairy lights. City lights
- Jungles and rainforests
- Mist and fog
- Pirated films
- Exploring haunted places
- Spontaneity
- Sushi
- The unexpected and undiscovered
- Train rides
- The Big Bang Theory
- Observing people
- Packages in the mail
- Hand written letters
- Dreams
- Grocery lists
- Coffe table books
- Daydreaming
- Peppermint
- Being on my own
- Passionate kisses
- Documentary films
- New clothes
- Discovering new inspirations
- Sarcasm
- Liquid eyeliner
- Raspberries
- Exploring new places
- Dilapidated, decaying buildings
- Trying things for the first time
jun 4 2009 ∞
dec 5 2009 +