- Buy everyone in the bar a drink.
- Swim with dolphins.
- Climb a mountain.
- Bungee jump.
- Take a candlelit bath with someone.
- Visit Paris.
- Go to a huge sports game.
- Walk the stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
- Grow and eat my own vegetables.
- Take a trip in a hot air balloon.
- Bet on a winning horse.
- Ask a stranger to dinner.
- Hit a home run.
- Dance with a stranger in a foreign country.
- Backpack through Europe.
- Go rock climbing and sky diving.
- Visit Japan.
- Walk along the entire Great Wall of China.
- Start a business.
- Take a martial arts class.
- Get married.
- Buy a house.
- Go on a cruise.
- Speak more than one language fluently.
- Pilot an airplane.
- Go on a safari.
- Eat mushrooms and berries that were gathered in the wild.
- Become a Dj.
- Be the reason someone is alive. ( other than a child)
jun 7 2009 ∞
jun 7 2009 +