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Girl Who Will Travel the World
Girl Who is Open Minded
Girl Who Loves Being Independent
Girl Who is a 21st Century Girl
A Girlosopher Girl
The Girl From Ipanema, haha just kidding on that last one ;P :D


9th grade: ~being in english class with andrea, julia k & meg<3 ~lunch with meg everyday ~becoming friends with julia that summer before 10th grade

10th grade: ~met sibohan and became friends with her ~met alfred but didnt like him it was temporary our friendship... ~was alone in winter, then lost julia as a friend ~in spring and into summer i was hurt from julia friendship but i gained it back up

11th grade: ~autumn: i fully got into paganism and started practising pagan holidays~ mabon was the first one in september

~october: celebrated Samhain along with the regular hollowe'en day. learned origins of paganism and the holiday of samhain~ felt truly "witchy" and in my element in the fall~I still do.

~November: met jorge on the last days. felt very solid the whole month through

~December: met jorge a little bit more at art club. christmas break. sinterklaas and yuletide celebration with sibohan at HVS. Celebrated Yuletide with myself, decorated my room and lit candles the whole month

~January: 1st day of new year i went a'walking with jorge. it was our first of several SEVERAL walks around town. we became close tight. we would meet at the local coffee shop and drink coffee with honey. always either latte or mocha with honey and 2 packets (no more no less) of raw sugar. at one point i felt amorous about him but realized it was an illusion and really i just wanted to be very good friends with the guy because he's a miraculous sort of person, really.

~Beginning of february, hung out with him more. but then ended, it just died down after a while. mid-february i was lonely. that time period was probably the loneliest, saddest time of year for me. i celebrated imbolc. early one day the sun came out despite there still being snow on the ground and i went outside and was merry and happy and exclaimed "The Sun King has returned! All Hail the Sun King!" in a very paganway. i celebrated ostara/spring equinox and it was beautiful.

~in march. In this month i went to HVS for a week to teach waldorf with mr. kilb. i met the most beautiful first graders and they called me Miss Hannah. it was a joyful wonderous experience!

~april passed and i enjoyed springtime. i kept the heart of Waldorf in me. i went to montreal in the 20s time of this april month. i went for 5 days. it was good for perspective. that's what travelling always does for me.

~may came rather fast. in either this month or last i went to HVS For 2 days wednesday and thursday. whenever irish day is i went. i believe it was april though but before montreal. there, i met: canaan, emily hannah luca (dear luca! my old best mate!) suzanna, myrto, and i got to meet saskia. now i love her a lot and we have many plans to get together over the summer. i've really kind of fallen for her ~ anyhow may day came 1st day of the month~ "Beltaine". I got to go to HVS again for 2 days, talked with Emily and Canaan. and saw Saskia in the hall and we had are arms across each others shoulders as we strode down the hallway to chorus. i sang with luca their. and mrs. stone.

june: june has come by fast. Litha is coming. June 21st. 2 more finals to do and i'll be done. then summer i'll come.

jun 17 2011 ∞
jun 17 2011 +