- daily intentions + gratitude
- space clearing
- ritual
- journaling
- moon time - waxing:clearing/waning:manifesting
- seasonal/lunar
- self healing .. prior to healing others
- yoga
- organise a day to go every week
- daily practice
- meditation and visualisation, every night
- no computer at least an hour before bed
- sun gazing - spring/summer? too cloudy rn (and cold)
- exercise
- morning hikes/run - 4x week
- food
- get into cooking new things/finding new recipes!!
- intermittent fasting
- moon time
- blood cleansing herbs
- self care
- diary
- moods/cycles/patterns/creativity/focus
- skin/body/how i feel in it
- emotional availability
- cervical/blood status
- pain/pleasure
- blood work/ritual, offerings
- calling on the goddess/drawing down the moon
- holy trinity
- oil pulling - sesame
- dry brushing
- abyangha
- sinuses
- oil dripping - sesame
- neti
- fenugreek
- etc
- reading daily/regularly
- journaling
- tap dancing
- drums/guitar
- work consistently on school projects
- learn more about education (ha)
- self-sufficiency
- see list of books to read + things to research
- use internet as a resource tool, not a way to waste time/procrastinate
- sort jewellery
- download music and films
- set up stereo
- clean out wardrobe
- clean out desk
- clean out bathroom drawer
- new altar
- dry cleaning
- knickers drawer
- plan trip
- sell clothes and shoes
- outdoors club? (??)
jul 11 2015 ∞
jan 5 2016 +