Varying degrees of enthusiasm, most are kind of on again, off again relationships - honestly, nothing has lasted anywhere near as long as my enthusiasm for the Thor films, and specifically, the character Loki. It's kind of embarrassing, but... it is what it is.
- The "Thor" films - Thor (2011) (all-time favourite), Thor: The Dark World (2013) (okay), Thor: Ragnarok (2017) (so bloody awesome)
- The Avengers (2012)
- X-Men: First Class (2011), sadly didn't really enjoy any of the sequels too much, but XMFC is my first "fandom" fandom and it'll always have a special place in my heart.
- Final Fantasy XV
- Star Wars
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- Nakahara Chuya and his poetry (the dead single-person fandom to lead all dead single-person fandoms... at least, until Bungo Stray Dogs came out. But I'm a grumpy-ass pretentious hipster who's been squeeing over this lovable weirdo dead poet's poetry since 2007.)