• 06.30.2015: flew back home. first flight delayed one hour, second flight delayed two hours. lots of half-sleeping.
  • 06.29.2015: had a fight with grandmother, talked it out, ate good food, packed, watched some movies and tv. cousin turns out to be a crazy mini-me.
  • 06.28.2015: went to two grad parties of people i don't know. first family was very enthusiastic and welcoming, their bruschetta was amazing. second one was at a temple, met some old camp friends. stayed home while everyone went to drop cousin at camp. watched inside out.
  • 06.27.2015: read, took a fat nap in the middle of the day, "adults" went to a no-kids wedding reception and we stayed home and had quesadillas, watched sherlock, watched harry potter and the philosopher's stone, and ate ice cream.
  • 06.26.2015: talked to grandmother a lot, she is happy when she gets to tell us stories of her life. played monopoly with her (turned out she's amazing). went to a nepal relief fundraiser. GAY MARRIAGE WAS LEGALIZED IN AMERICA!
  • 06.25.2015: woke up really late and got mad at self. read most of the day.
  • 06.24.2015: got yelled at, went for a run, got nails done. (french on toes, pastel turquoise on fingernails)
  • 06.23.2015: literally don't remember.
  • 06.22.2015: went golfing, washed hair, had people over for dinner
  • 06.21.2015: piano recital; boring af. (we looked good though.) Brought uncle dinner and celebrated father's day.
  • 06.20.2015: played rockstar life and went to cousins' dance school graduation. Bought me some Nike's and a maxi skirt.
  • 06.19.2015: finally woke up before noon! got so tired of monopoly that we ended it in a tie.
  • 06.18.2015: woke up at 2pm. started a game of monopoly. finished the prisoner of azkaban. realized my cousin has quite a large ego that needs to be deflated, hopefully by rejections from colleges or something.
  • 06.17.2015: woke up at 1pm. played badminton in the yard, played harry potter clue, went for froyo, made grilled pizza for dinner, introduced cousins to sherlock.
  • 06.16.2015: packed some more, scheduled orientation, spent the day in transit to rochester, new york. watched pitch perfect 2. decided i am not a fan of delta airlines.
  • 06.15.2015: did laundry and packed.
  • 06.14.2015: cousin's graduation. he went to a catholic university so there was much talk about god. speeches went on forever. had some mexican food and then drove home.
  • 06.13.2015: woke up super late. cousin's grad party - had some of that amazing punch again.
  • 06.12.2015: packed up and went home. drove to LA.
  • 06.11.2015: all-you-can-eat sushi for lunch. exciting news! lab opening was confirmed, contact email was sent to both parties, sent a follow-up interest email, set up an interview, did the interview, and got the job, all in one day. watched the warriors game at buffalo wild wings. snuck into a surprising amount of bars with various forms of fake identification, found out that i love midori sours.
  • 06.10.2015: last final; went through severe caffeine withdrawals and slept most of the day.
  • 1-9: all i was doing was studying for and taking finals, so i remember practically nothing except camping out in the study lounge. side note- was on about 8 espresso shots a day in total. not good...but not as bad as it could have been, i suppose.
jun 17 2015 ∞
jul 1 2015 +