my house: ravenclaw. "this house prizes learning, wit, wisdom, and intellect in its members. thus, ravenclaws tend to be academically motivated and talented students. they pride themselves in being original in their ideas and methods."

my wand: cedar and dragon heartstring, 12 inches, pliant. "garrick olivander believed that whenever he met one who carries a cedar wand, he found strength of character and unusual loyalty. the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. they carry the potential to be a frightening adversary, especially to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them. dragon wands tend to learn quickly."

my broomstick: firebolt.

my quidditch position: chaser.

my pet: female tabby cat.

my animagus: red wolf. "primarily nocturnal. shy and secretive, they hunt alone or in small packs with complex social structure that include the alpha male and female. tend to form pair-bonds for life."

my patronus: wolf. not as in a human affected with lycanthropy (as in the case of tonks), but a true wolf.

my classes: core- defense against the dark arts, potions, astronomy, herbology, history of magic, transfiguration. elective- alchemy, arithmancy, study of ancient runes

my amortentia: strawberries, peppermint, new books, basil.

a personal speculation. pottermore is separate.

jun 15 2013 ∞
jun 19 2015 +