• avocado: smoothie thickeners that supply healthy fat which will keep you satisfied until your next meal. also contain an array of health promoting vitamins and minerals.
  • berries: high in fiber (helps keep you full) and antioxidants.
  • cayenne pepper: this spice not only adds a kick, it also boosts your weight loss capability. the compound responsible is called capsasin. research has shown that adding it to breakfast reduces consumption of fat and carbohydrates later in the day. in other words, this curbs your appetite.
  • cinnamon: improves the metabolism of glucose. results in a reduction of the amount of excess blood glucose that can be stored as fat. abdominal fat is more sensitive to the effects of cinnamon than any other part of the body.
  • coconut oil: the predominant fats in coconut oil are used by the body as energy as opposed to being stored as fat.
  • healthy fats: keeps you satiated for hours and is good for your overall health. sources: avocado, coconut oil, nut butters.
  • leafy greens: kale, spinach, dandelion, romaine lettuce. packed with phytonutrients, high in fiber, low in calories. make sure to rotate your greens on a regular basis.


jun 22 2015 ∞
jun 25 2015 +