Those whom I have deemed relevant.
- Hecate: The goddess of witchcraft, doorways, and crossways; the mother of all monsters.
- Morpheus: Goddess of the rainbow; the link between Olympus and the human world.
- Nike: The winged goddess of victory, strength, and speed.
- Nemesis: The goddess of retribution and fate who keeps balance and justice in the world.
- The Nymphs: Female deities associated with a landform, body of water, or plant. Embodiments of nature; children of Gaea.
- Asclepius: The god of medicine and healing who was born mortal but given the gift of immortality as a constellation after death.
- The Children of Asclepius:
- Hygieia (cleanliness)
- Meditrine (medicine)
- Panacea (healing)
- Telesforos (recuperation)
As portrayed by Rick Riordan in the Percy Jackson series.