From here.

  • They're not happy all the time. "The genuinely happy individual embraces the sadness, the tears, and the obstacles, and gives themselves permission to just be."
  • They have learned to say no. "Genuinely happy people don't buy into the idea of keeping others happy if they are always down as a result. This is a surefire way to stress and anxiety. Instead, they exercise their right to say no, and do so in an assertive manner, that neither takes away from their relationships nor their own happiness."
  • They haven't led easy lives.
  • They know what the bottom looks like. "They've been to the bottom more times than they can count, and they've worked their way back up. To mere mortals, landing at the bottom after great success would signal the end, but for the happy person, it's just an opportunity to start afresh; to build a better and stronger foundation."
  • They love their flaws.
  • They avoid stress in their lives. "Whether it's through meditation, getting away, or through a creative outlet, happy people actively go out of their way to avoid unnecessary stressful situations, and move on from them as quickly as possible. This is in no way avoidance, but a strategy which allows them to concentrate on the things that truly matter, and stops annoying little stresses from turning into something far greater."
  • They exercise. "They have tapped into the world of healthy living and exercise not just to look good, but because it makes them feel even better!"
  • They know they're enough. "They have learnt that no one thing can make them happy or fulfulled."
  • They don't judge.
  • They know how to refocus.
  • They haven't lost their childlike wonderment. "They live, laugh, and love with the infectious playfulness of a person untainted by a harsh world. It's this approach to life that keeps them inquisitive and creative, and let's face it, makes them so much fun to be around!"
  • They deal with fear head on. "Fear has no place in the happy person's life. They are victorious in their quest for happiness and equip themselves with an arsenal of bravery, moving forward with happiness as their armor."
  • They take risks. "They know that stepping out from your comfort zone and navigating new territory is not only thrilling, but a sure way to experience the new and wonderful things life has to offer. What drives them is growth and the potential to learn more about who they are, and what they can accomplish."
  • They bear no grudges. "There's no better way to destroy happiness than to carry around old baggage that inevitably weighs you down."
  • They encourage others.
  • They love to laugh.
  • They are honest with themselves first. "They can lie to others all they want, but they are all too aware of that little voice in their head; the one that reminds them they aren't being entirely honest with themselves. Having the courage to admit things to yourself is the first step in being honest and comfortable with who you are, before you can be honest with others."
  • They ask for help. "They realize they may not always have the answer, or strength, to do all things on their own and so they welcome a helping hand or friendly advice as though it were a gift."
  • They embrace differences.
  • They love life.
jun 19 2015 ∞
jun 19 2015 +