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(sombra voice) sup dude


  • i'm zyria! i'm native american and i live in ontario canada
  • i'm 20 years old, i was born on july 3rd (rip since i'm squashed between canada day and 4th of july)
  • my hobbies include spending too much time playing video games, and spending too much money on video game merch
  • i love talking with ppl but 10/10 times im probably not gonna start the conversation because of my anxiety sorry!
  • that being said i love making friends i'm just terrible at initiating first contact ;_;

twitter acct;

  • i retweet a lot of things like art and stupid memes so sorry if that annoys you
  • also don't follow me for one fandom only bc i have no self control and i tweet about everything all the time
  • i try to like most of my mutuals tweets that i see, if that bothers you please let me know!
  • i also drunk tweet from time to time and i know that makes some people extremely uncomfortable. that being said, i dont tag all my drunk tweets but its usually obvious. if you have an issue with this please don’t follow!
  • if you wanna break mutual feel free to do so at anytime! please just sb

some other facts;

  • i edit amvs and other shit with svp12 sometimes
    • i also make gifs or graphics/icons with pscc17 on occasion
  • i failed out of highschool (stay in school kids)
  • i used to extensively roleplay ygo and homestuck back in the dark days of 2011. and now my vocabulary has gone to shit 7 years later. are u proud of me mom
  • i collect plushies, mostly mickey mouse and minnie mouse
  • marianas trench is a band that saved my life, so i talk abt their music kind of a lot
    • conversely, final fantasy x saved my life as well, and i talk abt it way too much lmao i'm sorry

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oct 15 2017 ∞
jan 18 2019 +